Getting to Know Yourself Horizons Chapter 1 Getting to Know Yourself
How you see yourself Aptitude – Your natural talents and abilities you are born with. Example – Teacher should be introverted or extraverted? Skills – Things you have learned to do well. The ability to read and write, do electrical work, understanding plumbing, computers, math, physics and etc… Note, these are things we LEARN IN SCHOOL.
How you see yourself Values – are things that are important to you. Ethics, morals, friends, family, environment, money, and etc… Attitude – how you view things in life. Positive or negative, optimistic or pessimistic, hate or compassion, and etc…
Differences Interests, Aptitudes and Skills Values and Attitudes Art Friends Music Helping Others Sports Family/Culture Technology Health/Fitness Math Attitudes Science Language Arts Media History
Rank the Following Values Friendship Freedom Privacy Being Popular Recognition Excitement Being Loved Success Comfortable Life Family Life Teenage Values Across Canada Percentage of importance Friendship 91 Being Loved 87 Freedom 84 Success 78 A comfortable life 75 Privacy 68 Family Life 65 Excitement 58 Recognition 41 Being Popular 21
Family Influence Families and those that are important in our lives vastly influence our own lives. They influence the way we think, the way we behave, what we value, how we do things, what we like and dislike. Father teaching me how to think from all different angels. List three examples that show how your family has influenced you.
What has affected your life Major events in our life will affect us. While some of these events may look negative, they always happen for a reason. Five things that have vastly impacted my life: 1) Moving from Rosthern to Saskatoon 2) Dating a German exchange student 3) Moving to Ottawa 4) Meeting my wife in Ottawa 5) Having a beautiful daughter
What interests you? Things interest us for a reason. These things impact our lives, they help determine who you are and what you may become one day. Most of our interests are via aptitudes and skills. List six things that interest you.
What do others think of me? We spend a lot of time wondering what others think of us – most of the time we go down the negative road. But if we look at the positives, we can help reinforce the things that we are good at. Think of five words that your friends would use to describe you.
Activities List ten activities that you enjoy doing. Identify the ones that you do outside, inside and ones that involve other people.