Welcome! Unit 9 Lesson 7 ART AND ARCHITECTURE Question of the Day? WHO WAS PERICLES?? A famous Greek king A leader of Athens for whom the Golden Age is named A military leader who enslaved the people The dude who invented the Gyro Materials for today: The OLS UNIT 9 LESSON 7 True Unit 6, lesson 7
to Succeed! How do you Respond! Answer questions Ask questions Complete work during the class & with groups! Complete daily required assignments offline. Respond when called on – mention – It’s ok if you don’t know or you need help – ask! Try! Do your best! Respond! Answer questions Complete work during the class: taking notes Small group participation in break out room Submit response to exit ticket Complete daily required assignments
Where have you seen Greek Architecture in contemporary society? OBJECTIVES STANDARDS 8.4.6.A Identify and explain how individuals and groups made significant political and cultural contributions to world history. Identify the three types of columns. Analyze Athenian art and architecture . ESSENTIAL QUESTION Where have you seen Greek Architecture in contemporary society?
What do these buildings have in common?
VIDEO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP-FsX0QW88
Basic Greek Architecture Also in OLS
Doric Pediment Entablature Also in OLS
Guess the column! A = ionic; B = Doric; C = Corinthian A, C, B, B, A, C
Colonnades Also in OLS
“HAVE THE EYE OF THE TIGER!” FOLLOWING UP! Tonight: Finish the OLS Lesson 7 assessment For Tomorrow: Read pages 319 – 325 in your textbook. Coming up: FRIDAY!! NO SCHOOL MONDAY! “HAVE THE EYE OF THE TIGER!”