Starter 11/29 What is abstract art? What historic event caused the movement of abstract art? What current event could influence your art? Draw an abstract portrait referencing an event today.
Art A Anime & Final drawing
Agenda 11/29 Review of last time How to draw anime or cartoon style Draw an anime face Pick what you want to do for your final Begin final
Last Time We learned about abstract art Everyone tried 6 different techniques to expanding our ideas of abstract. Once done everyone made their own abstract self-portrait example
Reminders Studio Time: Looks like: Sounds like: Evidence of working for the whole duration of class time Working on your own art work Being respectful of the people around you absolutely no bulling is tolerate, no cursing, no racial or judgmental language Sounds like: Inside voices Sharing ideas to help others in your group Questions?
Studio Time Work on self-portrait First decide what you are going to do. You need to have a reason for this because it will be part of your exit questions You must do your own style you cannot copy another artists style of abstract or anime. Once you have decided you need to begin the light sketching This project will take 3 class periods You must be working the entire time The image must have something that looks like you in it.
Exit Pass 11/29 Reflect on your sketches(realistic and abstract) support what you want to do for your final self-portrait What do you like in your abstract self-portrait? What do you like about your realistic self-portrait? What style do you want to do for your self-portrait (realistic, abstract, combination)? Support your reason for picking that style? Will you use anything from your sketches or the visual notes we took in class? This needs to be done on a separate paper and turned in with your sketches.