Art Portfolio By: E. Allison Provenza
Personal Reflection I have always enjoyed art. My mother is a talented painter and my brother draws very well, so I grew up with a few artists. My drawing ability is OK and I enjoy painting on canvases. Being asked to draw a picture is something I do not mind doing, it is actually something I would consider fun. Throughout this course I have learned a few things that I look forward to implementing in my own classroom. Thank you for your thoughtfulness with each lesson, I appreciate it. Allison Provenza
Art Assignments
6 Step Drawing Assignment: Step 1 – Draw four straight lines from one edge of your paper to the other. Step 2 – Draw two more straight lines from one edge of your paper to the other, only this time, make the lines cross over the lines you have already drawn. Step 3 – Draw five circles – any size – anywhere on your paper. Step 4 – Draw two curved lines beginning at the edge of the paper and ending up somewhere in the middle of the paper. Step 5 – Fill in three of the five circles. Step 6 – Fill in four areas of your paper however you would like. Step 7 – Sign your work. (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Working Together: Scribble Art: Step 1: Find a partner Step 2: Use a pencil to complete scribble Step 3: You choose a crayon, your partner chooses a crayon and together choose a crayon. Must be 3 different colors Step 4: Fill in the spaces, but do not let the same color share a wall It is okay to leave white space around the outside of the scribble **A special thank you to my daughter, Emily, for working on this art assignment with me. (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…or me! Self Portrait Using Oil Pastels
Under the Sea: Watercolor Step 1: Do a rough draft Step 2: Choose a fish you would like to draw, using familiar shapes Step 3: Using a pencil, draw a school of fish and background on your paper Step 4: Outline the fish and background using a crayon so the paint will not run Step 5: Using watercolors, paint the fish and big background objects Step 6: Once the paint is dry, paint the ocean water Remind students to be careful with the supplies. Remind students to use nice long strokes when painting. (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Wild Things: Cross Hatching Step 1: Demonstrate the 4 types of cross hatching: tight, organic, wild and contour Step 2: Sketch your wild thing on white paper, using a pencil Step 3: Begin cross hatching Step 4: Add color to parts of your wild thing Step 5: Cut out your wild thing and glue on to black construction paper Step 6: Use oil pastels to create a background (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Starry Night: Using Long and Short Lines Step 1: Using a piece of construction paper, cut it down the middle (whatever type line you wish Step 2: Secure this to black construction paper Step 3: Using a light colored oil pastel, put stars in the sky Step 4: Go around the star at least 3 or 4 times before using another color Step 5: Swirl the lines to each star, be creative Step 6: Fill the sky to the edge of the paper Step 7: Take paper off Step 8: Complete the bottom of the paper however you like Step 9: High light your work using long and short strokes (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Creating a 3-D Mask Step 1: Find a variety of supplies around your house or classroom Supplies could include items such as paper, paper goods, cotton, bow, ribbon, glitter, bottle caps, washers, dried foods (like beans or macaroni) Step 2: Create your mask using the objects you have found using glue or tape. Step 3: Be creative! * A special thank you to my daughter, Emily, for modeling the mask. (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Roy G. Biv Step 1: Using your imagination, what do you think Roy G. Biv looks like? Step 2: On a white sheet of paper, create your own rainbow man or woman Step 3: Be Creative! (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))
Insect Fingerprint Art Step 1: Pick your favorite bug Step 2: Pick a light shade of construction paper (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13)) Step 3: Using watercolors or a stamp pad, press your thumb in the color and then press on the paper to create your bug Step 4: Draw the details and background on your paper
Texture and Collage: Step 1: Use markers to color multiple circles on coffee filters Step 2: Sprinkle water on the coffee filters to make the colors bleed Step 3: Let the coffee filters completely dry Step 4: Using the filters, create your insect Step 5: Decorate the background scene using crayons, oil pastels, markers or other items (for texture) (Music, Art & Creative Movement (Martel SP13))