More things to remember Day 3 Stuff More things to remember
How To Write Titles A magazine article: underline the title of the magazine and put the title of the article in quotation marks
Books: Underline the title
Answer all questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! Answer them!
If you got full credit on something.... ....and want to see what I wrote on it (I wrote some nice things on the papers that got full credit)...ask to see it :)
After June 8 you will not be able to redo any work Mark the Date! After June 8 you will not be able to redo any work June 8 is next MONDAY!
You Need to Figure Out Your Problems NOW!
Finally! I am not your mother or your babysitter Listen Closely… So…. I am not your mother or your babysitter I want to have a good summer and not be a jerk I will not yell at you If you choose to make the same mistakes that got you here, that’s on you….
If your talking interrupts me helping someone, But… If your talking interrupts me helping someone, I will take 100 points off of your grade. 100 POINTS! There will be no warning!