The Endocrine System Controls many body functions exercises control by releasing special chemical substances into the blood called hormones Hormones affect other endocrine glands or body systems Releases hormones directly into the blood, which in turn transports the hormones to target tissues in the body.
The Endocrine System Consists of several glands located in various parts of the body. Pituitary gland: a small gland located on a stalk hanging from the base of the brain - AKA “The Master Gland” Primary function is to control other glands. Produces many hormones. Secretion is controlled by the hypothalamus in the base of the brain.
The Endocrine System The Hypothalamus: Helps the body maintain homeostasis or internal balance by regulating things such as: Body temperature Blood pressure Digestion Breathing
When released, increases the metabolic rate (digestion). The Endocrine System The thyroid hormones: When released, increases the metabolic rate (digestion). The Thyroid Gland lies in the anterior neck just below the larynyx. Two lobes, located on either side of the trachea, connected by a narrow band of tissue.
Hypothyroidism can cause: Facial swelling weakness cold intolerance The Endocrine System Hypothyroidism can cause: Facial swelling weakness cold intolerance fatigue oily skin and hair Inadequate or low levels of thyroid hormones = Hypothyroidism
The Endocrine System Hyperthyroidism can cause: bulging of the eyeballs Thinning hair Fast Metabolism (digestion) which causes some people to be very thin. Increased or high levels of thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism, Signs and symptoms: Insomnia fatigue weight loss
The Endocrine System Parathyroid Glands small, pea-shaped glands, located in the neck near the thyroid produces parathyroid hormone – increases the level of calcium in blood
The Endocrine System Pancreas a key gland located in the folds of the intestines secretes several key digestive enzymes Regulates the amount of sugar in blood. Dysfunctional Pancreas can lead to too much sugar in the blood and cause diabetes
The Endocrine System Adrenal Glands 2 small glands that sit on top both kidneys. the Adrenal glands secrete the hormones adrenaline which gives us the automatic response needed to “Fight or Flight” when in danger. This may result in increased heart rate and rate of breathing.
The Endocrine System One thing to remember is that the Endocrine system is involuntary (automatic). We do not control it and tell it when do turn on or off. It is activated when necessary to help our bodies maintain normalcy. If we could control it, this would make it a voluntary body function.