NAVSEA 05Z3 Electrical Systems Technical Update


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Presentation transcript:

NAVSEA 05Z3 Electrical Systems Technical Update Presented at the National Shipbuilding Research Program Electrical Technologies Panel Meeting All Panel Meetings Charleston, SC March 14, 2019 Christopher Nemarich Engineering Manager Electrical Systems Ships – SEA 05Z33 NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

NAVSEA 05Z Update to NSRP Status of MIL-STD-2003 B EPISM Summary of Selected Current Projects Related NSRP Electrical Technologies Panel Projects DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

Updates to MIL-STD-2003 MIL-STD-2003 Electric Plant Installations Latest NAVSEA approved methods from shipyard standard electrical installation methods drawings from shipyards. Final Revisions Completed in Dec 2018 Submitted to SEA 08 for Review 31 Jan 2019 Publication expected mid-2019 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003 Rev B - Electric Plant Installation Standard Methods for Surface Ships and Submarines Added new methods based on Government approved shipyard standard drawings; Newport News, Electric Boat, Ingalls, and Bath Iron Works Updated references; replaced canceled references. Use of “Inactive for new design” documents allowed for maintenance on existing systems but not for new design. MIL-STD-2042 (Fiber Optic Cable Topology Installation Standard Methods for Surface Ships and Submarines) takes precedence for fiber optic equipment installation. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003 Rev B - Electric Plant Installation Standard Methods for Surface Ships and Submarines Changes to mounting fastener and material requirements Added detailed tables for fastener material selection requirements. Disallowed lock washers due to concerns for compression relaxation. Limits on the use of washers as shims to achieve a level mounting of electrical enclosures; based on analysis of NNS Method by 05P. Added torque sequence requirements based on NSTM 075 methods. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003 Rev B - Electric Plant Installation Standard Methods for Surface Ships and Submarines S9407-AB-HBK-010 Handbook of Shipboard Electromagnetic Shielding Practices MIL-STD-1310 Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, and Other Techniques for Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Mitigation, and Safety to ensure requirements are met. T9070‑AL‑DPC-020/077-2 NAVSEA Hazardous Material Avoidance Process to ensure the correct process for hazardous material mitigation. Installation of higher voltage system cables guidance from shipyard instructions and IEEE 1637. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-1B - Cables Installation of higher voltage system cables guidance from shipyard instructions and IEEE 1637. Restored use thimbles for cable conductor termination. Added requirements to make thimble installation more reliable. Added allowance to repair cables with damage directly over conductors with NAVSEA approval. Repair methods added based on shipyard procedures. New allowance for cable splicing for modular construction Added a requirement that commercial cable for flexing service be approved by NAVSEA. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-1B - Cables New cable shielding requirements based on Virginia Class standard drawing Added procedures for securing cables into switchgear from MIL-DTL-32483 New allowance for wire-nut terminations <1 HP motors with leads <9000 circ mils. NNS 2 new methods to terminate motor leads with heat-shrink covers. GDBIW and PSNY Added method to allow equipment entrance using multi-cable transits. Added method for gel-in-the-middle protection for topside connectors. 2003 NAVSEA ltr Added allowance that cold shrink may be used for cable splicing where water tightness is not required. Partially implements an Enterprise commonality cost reduction recommendation. Added method for splicing conductor shields. NNS DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-2B - Equipment Batteries –high level battery requirements only. Detailed installation requirements moved to appendix 2C. Clarified that this document does not cover submarine storage batteries Added requirements for installation of lithium-ion batteries and alkaline batteries. Added battery support system installation requirements from GSO 313. Added installation requirements recommended by NSWC PD and UL Deleted requirement for responsibility for battery charging after installation; covered in GSO 313. Reference NETOPS #29 (Shore-to-Ship Power Connect and Disconnect Procedures) for coordination between the ship and pier shore power facilities. Added requirement that exposed metallic components be grounded. Based on personnel electrical safety issues. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-3B - Penetrations Allowance and methods for using RISE multiple cable penetrations (MCP). One of the Enterprise commonality cost reduction items. Not for submarines or nuclear spaces in aircraft carriers. New reference to NAVSEA DWG 803-5184182 Insulation, Passive Fire Protection – Installation Details. This change requires passive fire protection at fire protection boundaries. Includes test requirements of MIL-STD-3020 Fire Resistance of Naval Surface Ships. New method for MCP installation for EMC applications. NNS 2 new methods for repair of deteriorated weather deck stuffing tube. Avoids expensive replacement with epoxy repair compound. NNS and MARMC New methods for square frame - rounded corner MCPs. The rounded corner MCPs reduce the risk of cracks forming in decks and bulkheads that are subjected to heavy loading. NNS New installation requirements for size 8 MCPs. MIL-DTL-24705 Added requirements to prevent inductive heating of power cable phases through penetrations. Added reference for installation of waveguides through penetrations. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-4B - Cableways Cable tag and conductor wire marker changes Incorporated Enterprise Commonality Recommendations to eliminate requirement for cable tags at non-structural bulkheads. Exclusion consistent with 2012 Admiral Eccles letter. Cable tags for systems under SEA 08 cognizance not required for aircraft carrier non-structural bulkheads consistent with the action of PMS 312 letter 12 November 2013. Referred to applicable ship specifications for ship specific cable tag and marker requirements. Incorporated Enterprise Commonality Recommendation allowing cable tags to be secured with nylon straps. Consistent with NNS and EB drawings. Hanger loading, spacing, and tier limitations Consolidated hanger loading, spacing, and tier limitations and guidance Refer to applicable ship specifications for habitability requirements for headroom clearance for cableways; avoids conflicts Guidance for cable support spacing for higher voltage cables Added allowance for Panduit™ banding for larger cable bundles with NAVSEA approval. Enterprise Commonality cost reduction item to extend the use of Panduit banding. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

05Z Electrical Systems Updates MIL-STD-2003-5B - Connectors New connector installation retest requirements. Emphasizes push-pull tests are not required (NAVSEA 240316Z July 1996). Refers to SAE-AIR6151 for torque values New method for reducing cable diameter to achieve proper strain relief for entering a connector; based on NNS drawing Requirement that cable transflexing requires NAVSEA approval Added limits on number of cables that can be bifurcated into a connector New method for waterproofing coaxial connectors. NNS New method for Multi-Cable Connector Assembly using grommets. Electric Boat drawing approved by NAVSEA letter dtd 22 July 2016 and letter dtd 13 December 18. New method developed by EB and Glen Air. Restricted to certain connector and cable types based on the qualification of the method. This method is superior to current bifurcation methods. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

MIL SPECS, STANDARDS, DRAWINGS MIL-DTL-32483A Switchgear, Power, Hard-Mounted, Medium Voltage, Naval Shipboard SRB and comment adjudication completed May 2018. Comments Received from SEA 08 February 2019 Publication expected May2019 MIL-DTL-xx653 New Switchgear, Power, Shock-Mounted, Low Voltage, Naval Shipboard Created to establish standard construction, testing, and safety requirements for shock-mounted low voltage switchgear that will result in consistent vendor pricing from program to program. Final Revision In Review MIL-DTL-24643 Cables, Low Smoke (Base spec + all slant sheets) SRB review complete. Review and compiled comments. December 2018. Adjudication of comments. Expected April 2019 Base spec + all associated slant sheets to be finalized. May 2019 Publication expected May 2019 MIL-DTL-24640 Cables, Lightweight, Low Smoke (Base spec + all slant sheets) PDS opened. February 2019 Internal reviews and updates started. March 2019 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

MIL SPECS, STANDARDS, DRAWINGS MIL-DTL-XX654 Arc Fault Detection System Performance Specification Now a Detailed Spec Technical Issues being addressed. Adjudicated comments sent back to reviewers for concurrence. Due March 29. NAVSEA 08 to review final draft. Publication expected in CY 2019 NAVSEA 803-2145532C Indicator/Indicating System Liquid Level Application/Selection Guide PDS Open Incorporate latest guidance and revisions to installation drawings Revisions to be distributed for comment March 2019. MIL-T-17221 Transformers, Power, Distribution, Single Phase, 400 Hertz 01-JUN-1973 NEW PDS Routine updates to ensure currency of specifications MIL-T-15108 Transformers, Power, Step Down, Single-Phase, 60 Hertz, 1-KVA 03-JUL-1985 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

NSRP Electrical Technology Panel Projects 05Z Endorsed Projects Distributed Temperature Sensing for Inspection Electrical Panels on Navy Ships – completed. Follow on efforts TBD for monitoring for Arc Fault prevention. Evaluation of Efficacy of Self-Sealing Cable Transit Devices for Aluminum Bulkheads and Decks in Non-Watertight Boundaries Test plans approved Testing starts March 12 and concludes week of March 25 Low Voltage Shipboard Lighting Feasibility Study Advanced Navigation Lighting System New DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.