Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue (MPCCD) Achievements What did we do in the last 11 months to increase public participation and civil dialogue in Romania?
Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue’s mission To create a coherent framework for public participation in the decision making process and enhance the level of transparency and access to public information in the Romanian administration
Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue’s Priorities: I. Increase transparency of public administration II. Open and effective dialogue with civil society III. Enhance institutional capacity of ministries and government agencies to practice transparency IV. Support nongovernmental organizations to enhance their skills for building a sustainable partnership with the State V. Organize innovative active citizenship campaigns
I. Increase transparency of public administration (1) Access to information concerning weekly Cabinet meetings: agenda of Cabinet’s meetings (published 24 hours in advance) summary of discussions and main decisions taken approved Memorandums Change enforcement rules of the law on free access to public interest information (law no.544/2001 ): public administration provides public interest information free of charge simplified bureaucracy and standardization of communication procedures
I. Increase transparency of public administration (2) Memorandum on increasing transparency and standardizing public interest information public institutions ‘ websites, contents and quality are consistent A Unique Transparency Interests Register at Government level - provides information on interaction between high government officials and specialized groups (companies and NGOs) to adopt/modify public policies -30 specialized groups and 80 high government officials out of 170 registered during the first week
I. Increase transparency of public administration (3) “Your right to know” MPCCD campaign first time when a public institution from central administration speaks to citizens about their right to know and active citizenship cooperate with Ministries to publish public interest data
II. Open and effective dialogue with civil society (1) E-Consultation: a weekly bulletin which includes all projects that are under public consultation - December 2015: less than 40% of Government projects were on public consultation - September 2016: 98% of Government projects were on public consultation E-Debate: a calendar of all public debates organized by central authorities - citizens are able to provide their opinions on Government's projects EU-Consultation: a warning bulletin to inform and educate Romanian citizens on EU Commission legislative decisions and their dead-lines
II. Open and effective dialogue with civil society (2) 28 Live broad cast public debates: 17 organized in Bucharest and 11 around the country face to face dialogue between Ministers and citizens at present MPCCD model implemented in each Ministry “Talking to your Minister!” for the first time in 26 years when 11 ministers communicated on line with citizens, answering in real time citizens’ questions Draft law for the organization and functioning of The Economic and Social Council 1500 citizens petitions received
III. Enhance institutional capacity of ministries and governmental agencies to practice transparency The Experts Forum reunion of 180 representatives of central administration with responsibilities in implementing transparency legislation to discuss and exchange experience Study on Jurisprudence concerning exceptions of free access to public interest information: data base including 600 Court final decisions from 2014 and 2015 on litigations concerning the implementation of free access to public interest information Central Administration Handbook for Transparent and Effective Public Consultation - Includes recommendations to facilitate each stage of public consultation process
IV. Support nongovernmental organizations to enhance their skills for building a sustainable partnership with the State Study on “Public sources NGOs funding” first in-depth analysis on increasing the impact of NGOs funded from public money and simplified administrative proceedings Study on “NGOs representation in central administration public structures” first time evaluation done by a public institution on 10 public structures which include NGOs in their decisional bodies Identify public policies measures intended to rehabilitate the abandoned industrial heritage in big cities - 90 experts (public authorities representatives, architects, NGOs) took part in integrated public policies consultations
V. Organize innovative active citizenship campaigns Photo exhibitions organized at Government and Ministries headquarters with pictures taken by photographs who were wounded last year in the “Collective” music club blaze. Participation in NGO Fest- The Festival of Non-Governmental Organizations - set up 10 “Public institutions serving citizens” booths where public servants explained to citizens which type of services they are providing Celebrating the International Epilepsy Day - building of the Government turned purple.
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