Concluding Paragraphs
Always restate your complete thesis statement (both parts), but in different words. This rephrased thesis statement must appear somewhere in your concluding paragraph.
Rephrase these thesis statements The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the United States politically, economically, or militarily. The artwork of Pollock, De Kooning, and Picasso was all heavily influenced by existentionalism. Parenting is an important motif in To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout, Jem, and Dill become the people they are due to the parents that influenced them.
5 Techniques for Writing Concluding Paragraphs 1. Summarize the main points you’ve developed. Just like in your introductory paragraph, but rephrase your points so they don’t sound exactly like they did in your introductory paragraph. Use this technique with one of the others to follow.
Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U. S Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U.S. economically, politically, or militarily. 2. End with a final comment: come up with a thoughtful observation on your topic. Example: This war is pointless and to continue it would be a crime. The amount of money, lives and influence that has been wasted is terrible. The costs for this poorly planned military intervention simply cannot be borne any longer.
Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U. S Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U.S. economically, politically, or militarily. 3. For Persuasive Essays, end with a call to action: tell the reader specifically what it is you wish them to do. Example: For too long, politicians have been bought by the individuals and corporations that profit from increasing military interventions. If change is ever to occur, the people of the United States must come together and show support for anti-war political candidates.
Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U. S Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U.S. economically, politically, or militarily. 4. Refer back to something specific in your introduction: different than restating or summarizing. (ex. below is for Startling Fact) Example: The loss of thousands of innocent lives and nearly a trillion dollars should be evidence of an this absurd foreign policy. Our country’s resources, both human and financial, could be put to so many better uses that would serve our future. Our current military policy is crippling our ability to better ourselves as a nation.
Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U. S Sample Thesis: The war in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the U.S. economically, politically, or militarily. 5. Use a quotation: a startling or poignant quotation and your explanation of how it pertains to your essay; however, don’t use this if you started off your essay with a quotation, it might seem too redundant. Example: “War is hell,” said General MacArthur. And, he was right. This war has caused more damage to our country than any other choices our current politicians have made. The resources that have been wasted could have created a much better society, but, instead, we continue to create the hell MacArthur warned of.
Important: No matter which techniques you end up using, try to include your personal opinions and viewpoints about the topic of your essay. You don’t need to use “I” to do this, but the best concluding paragraphs strongly state the writer’s opinion, position, and emotions on the topic. End it with a powerful statement of your views.