Problem solving and decision making 11-2 Problem solving and decision making
Goals List the five steps in the decision making model
Problem solving and decision making The ability to understand and solve problems is an important skill A PROBLEM exists whenever there is a difference between what is actually happening and what the individual or group wants to be happening. If your objective is to produce 475 units a day but you are only producing 400, you have a problem
Problem solving and decision Making PROBLEM SOLVING is the process of selecting an alternative course of action in order to meet objectives. DECISION MAKING is the process of selecting an alternative course of action to solve a problem. Goal of human relations is to create a win-win solution!
Decision making styles Take the quiz!
Decision Making Styles Reflexive Style Reflective Style Consistent Style Makes quick decisions Does not consider all alternatives Positive: Decisive Neg: Quick decisions can lead to not the best answer Takes plenty of time to make a decision Positive: Not rushed decisions Neg: Waste time and lose opportunities May seem indecisive Does not rush or waste time to make a decision They know when they have the facts Positive: Decisive and takes opportunities Uses Decision-Making Model
Decision-Making Model 1 Identify the Problem 2 Set Objectives and Criteria 3 Generate Alternatives 4 Analyze Alternatives and select one 5 Plan, Implement the decision, and control
Creativity and group problem solving CREATIVITY means the ability to develop unique alternatives to solve problems. INNOVATION is the organizational implementation of the creative ideas.
Stages of the creative process Preparation What is the problem? Gather facts, others opinions. Find new angles Possible Solutions Create a large list – no bad ideas Brainstorm!
Process Continued… Incubation Evaluation After creating your list of possible solutions, take a break! Give time for the solution to come to you Does not have to be long Evaluation Be sure your solution is practical
Case study