Learn how to choose the best strategy to solve the problem. Exemplar Strategies Learn how to choose the best strategy to solve the problem.
Learn how to choose the best strategy to solve the problem. Click on picture for definition.
It is often helpful to Use Objects or Act Out a problem. This allows you to use visual images of the data in the problem and the solution process. Dramatizations or moving around objects can help you remember the process you use and you may be able to use it again for solving other similar problems.
The Brainstorm strategy is often used when all else fails! Brainstorming means looking at a problem in new and inventive ways. Use your imagine, be creative, and by all means, be flexible in your thinking! Eventually the light bulb will go on and you will find a solution!
The Guess and Check strategy is helpful when a problem presents large numbers or many pieces of data, or when the problem requires finding one solution to many possible solutions. This strategy involves guessing the answer, testing to see if it is correct, and making another guess if the answer is not correct.
When making an Organized List you can organize your thinking about a problem. Recording your work in list form allows you to review that you have done and identify important steps that you need to do to complete solving the problem. This strategy provides a systematic to record computations made with given data.
Making a picture or diagram to solve problems can help you understand and manipulate data. Draw a Picture Strategy is especially useful with problems that involve mapping, geometry and graphing.
Making It Simpler is useful when solving a complex problem because it allows you to reduce large numbers to small numbers, or reducing the number of items given in a problem. Sometimes a simpler representation will show a pattern which can help solve a problem.
Logical Reasoning is really used in all the problem solving strategies Logical Reasoning is really used in all the problem solving strategies. However, when answering conditional problems such as "if" and "then“ type of problems you can display your data in a chart or matrix. This strategy requires formal logical reasoning.
Use or Look for a Pattern strategy involves identifying a pattern and predicting what will come next and what will happen again and again in the same way. Making a number table often reveals a pattern.
Use or Make a Table is a strategy that uses an orderly arrangement of data, such as numbers, that helps you keep track of data, spot missing data, and identify data that is asked for in the problem.
When making a series of computations, you can start with data presented at the end of the problem and end with data presented at the beginning of the problem. This is called the Work Backwards strategy.
1 2 3 Now let’s see what you know!! Choose the best strategy to solve the 3 problems that follow. Choose a different strategy for each problem. The fairies are here to help. Click on them to go to the definitions or return to the problems. 1 2 3
Question 1: Defend your answer. Laura has 3 green chips, 4 blue chips and 1 red chip in her bag. What fractional part of the bag of chips is green? Strategy: 1) UNDERSTAND: What do you need to find? You need to find how many chips are in all. Then you need to find how many of the chips are green. 2) PLAN: What strategy will help you solve the problem? Defend your answer. Look at the strategies Continue to next problem
Question 2: Amy and Judy sold 12 show tickets altogether. Amy sold 2 more tickets than Judy. How many tickets did each girl sell? Strategy: 1) UNDERSTAND: What do you need to find? You need to know that 12 tickets were sold in all. You also need to know that Amy sold 2 more tickets than Judy. 2) PLAN: What strategy will help you solve the problem? Defend your answer. Look at the strategies Continue to next problem
Question 3: Defend your answer. You save $3 on Monday. Each day after that you save twice as much as you saved the day before. If this pattern continues, how much would you save on Friday? Strategy: 1) UNDERSTAND: You need to know that you save $3 on Monday. Then you need to know that you always save twice as much as you find the day before. 2) PLAN: What strategy will help you solve the problem? Defend your answer. Look at the strategies Continue to next problem
http://www. wallingford. k12. ct http://www.wallingford.k12.ct.us/uploaded/Curriculum/MATH_K-12/Problem_Solving_Strategies_REV.pdf http://skp.mvps.org/concentrate.htm