Language Arts Week 12
Daily Oral Language (DOL) You and me are going to borrow Sally book. Her went to there house right after school. Him will copy the recipe for I. Writing Journal Assignment-Day 1 BRAINSTORM and PRE-WRITE Think about a problem in your community, such as a lack of recreation facilities on campus (playground, game room, baseball field, basketball court, etc.). Brainstorm what you will write to a city official in which you explain the problem and persuade him or her to take action to solve it.
Daily Oral Language (DOL) 4. Tia loves Summer, but august is too hot. 5. As soon as David and Megan arrived, the called their Mother on the phone. 6. How many state’s have you visited in your life? Writing Journal Assignment-Day 2 Delete or add items to your brainstorm/pre-write and begin writing your letter to the city official to add more recreational facilities to your school’s campus. Make sure you identify why it’s a problem and how to solve it.
Daily Oral Language (DOL) 7. We ate chicken, potatoes, and, carrots. 8. Him and you already went to the store. Writing Journal Assignment-Day 3 Finish writing your letter to the city official about the problem in your community and how you think they should solve it.
Daily Oral Language (DOL) 9. Our uncle gave money to my sister and I. 10. Erica does’nt want to play. Writing Journal Assignment-Day 4 Use the revisions from yesterday’s lesson to revise and finalize your letter to the city official on the problem and how they should solve it. (Brainstorm, First draft, Edit & Revise, and Final Draft)
Spelling & Language Test Writing Journal Assignment-Day 5 Make sure you have each step of your writing journal and have them on your desk for me to check. (Brainstorm, First draft, Edit & Revise, and Final Draft) Spelling & Language Test Get your paper ready for your spelling and dictation tests 2. Study for your spelling and language tests today.