Supplementary Notes for Reconstruction


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Presentation transcript:

Supplementary Notes for Reconstruction Rebuilding the Union Supplementary Notes for Reconstruction

Reconstruction The Reconstruction Period Freedmen’s Bureau Refers to the time period in American History after the Civil War in which the south was being rebuilt and rejoined to the union Freedmen’s Bureau Lincoln created a federal agency that created schools, hospitals, and cloths for freed African Americans

Reconstruction Lincoln wanted to make it easy for the South to rejoin the union “with malice [harm] toward none, with charity for all” Northern Republicans wanted to punish the south Lincoln was assassinated Andrew Johnson, his VP, became President

Andrew Johnson Former slave owner Ignored the Congress Offered amnesty and pardons to almost all the white southerners Top military officers Ex-confederate leaders Large plantation owners

Rebuilding Brings Conflict 13th Amendment was passed Abolished Slavery South was trying to bring back the “old south.” Passed the Black Codes Set of laws that limited African American freedoms All African Americans had to have written proof of employment or else they would be forced to work on a plantation African Americans were forbidden to meet in unsupervised groups African Americans were not allowed to own or carry guns

Rebuilding Brings Conflict Congress takes control of Reconstruction Congress refused to allow Southern Congressman to “seat” until their state was inspected The US Constitution says that Congress has the right to decide whether its members are qualified to hold office

Rebuilding Brings Conflict Radical Republicans Wanted the federal government to take an active role in rebuilding the south Wanted to punish the South Wanted rapid change in the Southern way of life Full and Equal citizenship for African Americans Destroy the Southern Plantation system Create small farms and free schools Political Equality for all citizens

Civil Rights Act Declared that all persons born in the United States (except Native Americans) were full citizens regardless of race President Johnson vetoed the bill Congress with 2/3 Senate votes and 2/3 house votes overrode the President’s Veto Civil Rights Act became a law

14th Amendment To make the law more permanent, Congress made it a part of the Constitution that the President was sworn to protect The 14th Amendment All citizens were granted “equal protection of the laws.”

14th Amendment With the passing of the 14th Amendment the south was angered Congress turned the South into 5 military districts The south wasn’t allowed to reenter the union until . . . State Constitutions were changed and gave all adult men equal rights They ratify the 14th Amendment

New Southern Governments Southern people (mostly small farmers) voted Republicans in power Carpetbaggers Northern Republican politicians that moved south to influence southern politics Many African Americans were selected to help write the state’s new constitutions During Reconstruction, over 600 African Americans served as state legislatures

Johnson is Impeached Congress passed a law saying that the President couldn’t fire government officials without the Senate’s approval Johnson fired his Secretary of War Senate Impeached the President To bring charges against Johnson was acquitted by one vote