Analysis Paragraph Review (CCQC) FRP Practice
Claim (C) A claim is an opinion. It lets your reader know what you will be writing about. Like a thesis, it an opinion, not a fact. The reason you write the rest of your paragraph is to prove your claim true.
Context (C) Context means “the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event.” You need to assume your reader has not read the story that you are reading and give them a little background information. This might be like a quick summary—but be sure to just summarize what the reader needs to know about the topic you are writing about.
Quote (Q) A quotation gives you direct evidence from the text or story. It is like the evidence in a court case, you have to have it to prove your point. It is critical to find the best quotation possible in order to make the best case for yourself. Also, remember to use a signal phrase and to cite it correctly.
Commentary (C) Giving a quotation is not enough, you need to explain what your quotation says in your own words. It may seem repetitive, but it actually a very important step because you are the expert on this quotation, not the reader. Who said it? Why? When? Analysis:This is where you show the reader how smart you are. Analysis is where you show the connections and insights you had when you read the text.
EXAMPLE The terrorist crisis in Africa is one of the most severe problems in its history, and a huge global crisis. (CLAIM) Because of Boko Haram, many people in Nigeria are not safe to be in a place they call home. Boko Haram leader, Abubaker Shekau is threatening to kill even more innocent people. (Context) According to Amnesty International, “As many as 2,000 civilians were killed and 3700 homes and business were destroyed in the Jan 3 attack” (Umar) (QUOTE). Shekau is pleased with this attack and threatens even more.(Context) He said, “More deaths are coming,” (Umar). (QUOTE). More military leaders and troops are the answer to ensuring safety for Nigerian citizens. Other countries must intervene to defeat Boko Haram. (Commentary)