WARM-up On a piece of paper, please answer the following questions HONESTLY: What are 2 things going very well for you in this class so far? What are 2 things going not so well for you in this class so far? Do you know what your grade is? If yes Are you happy with it? Why or why not? If no What do you think your grade is? Do you want it to be higher or lower? Is there anything I need to know or do to help you out?
Six-Word memoir In November 2006, SMITH magazine issued a challenge to fans. They asked readers to describe their lives in six words. The Six-Word Memoir contest officially ended after a month, but the stories kept coming. Five years on, participants have contributed more than half a million mini-memoirs.
SIX-WORD MEMOIR "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn“ Author Ernest Hemingway technically started this, with his famous shortest of short stories: "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn“ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejndNExso9M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBnP0DoGjRI
Six-word memoir activity First (5 minutes): Brainstorm some possible six-word memoirs. Play with the words, punctuation, and possible meanings. Second (10 minutes): Once you have one that you are happy with, pick up a bumper sticker strip, write your memoir on it, and decorate.
The House On Mango Street Author: Sandra Cisneros Mexican-American (Chicana) Grew up in Chicago Writes about being the children of immigrants, cultural clashes, and growing up with two cultures The House on Mango Street is her most popular work; it is a collection of vignettes The main character is Esperanza, a teenage girl. She seems to be an autobiographical character, although these are vignettes, not memoirs.
“No Speak English” Vocabulary: “Mamacita” – slang for “babe” or “chick,” but with the connotation of being beautiful “Mamasota” – slang for “hottie,” but with the connotation of being voluptuous (well-endowed) “Cuando” – When?
“No Speak English” No annotating, today. Instead, make sure you keep up with the Active Reading Questions.
closing Summarize and Respond Turn in your handout before you leave, as well as your warm-up