Welcome to Class! By the end of class tomorrow, I want every student to complete a 10 page paper – single spaced – 12pt font – on Microsoft Word. Topic: The Geographic and Cultural Affect of Early American Architecture on the History of the American People. This paper will be worth 50% of your grade in this class An English teacher will grade it strictly for grammar Every students’ performance needs to be at a college level in order to receive a 70% Complaining will result in an office referral!
Reflection Just Joking! How did the assignment make you feel? If this had been real, how would you have reacted? What would have been the most effective way to act?
Labor Unions Unit 4
Videos On the classroom website
Labor Movements Railroad Strike of 1877 Haymarket Riot of 1886 Economic Depression caused a railroad company to cut wages by 45% Workers refused to work and rioted “Resorting to any means necessary to break down the power of corporations Haymarket Riot of 1886 Reduce the work hours from 12 hours a day to 8 hours a day
Labor Movements Homestead Strike of 1892 Pullman Strike of 1894 Steelworkers were rioting against low wages Carnegie (and Frick) hired 300 Pinkertons who entered the town to drive rioters out Riots began The US National Guard was sent in, arrested people Signifies the end of the Steelworkers Union for the next 50 years Pullman Strike of 1894 Economic Panic in 1893, let to a railroad company cutting wages Company refused to listen to workers’ grievances The workers refused “switch Pullman cars” Labor Day
Terms Socialism What is Capitalism vs. Socialism?