How do we know sound energy exists? Starter 10/3 How do we know sound energy exists?
Sound Waves Sound waves in the air travel COMPRESSIONALLY. This means that sound waves don’t travel too well through the air.
Sound Waves BUT, sound waves can travel through a solid TRANSVERSLY. This means sound wave can travel much farther through solid materials.
Sound Waves Train robbers use to put their ears to the metal rails of the train to send messages to each other.
Sound Waves The speed of sound = 343.053 meters / second (That’s about 768 miles/hr) The speed of light = 299,792,458 meters/second WHY do you see something first, THEN hear it later? (like fireworks)
Characteristics of sound waves: Amplitude = Volume Wavelength/Frequency = Pitch
Sound Waves Let’s practice changing these characteristics: Amplitude high short Amplitude Wavelength low long
Sound Waves Can you make an accurate wave for a certain type of music?
Sound waves Long objects (pipes, keys, whistles) generate LONG wavelengths Short objects generate SHORT wavelengths Demo time
Sound Waves
Sound waves Ears can have issues…
Sound waves Ears can have issues…
Sound waves Sometimes ears need to be replaced: