Weather in Australia Weather in Sydney, New South Wales Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the year but the climate can vary due to the size of our continent. The northern states typically experience warm weather much of the time, with the southern states experiencing cooler winters. Australia is also one of the driest continents on earth with an average annual rainfall of less than 600 millimetres. Like all countries in the southern hemisphere, Australia's seasons are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere. December to February is summer; March to May is autumn; June to August is winter; and September to November is spring. Weather in Sydney, New South Wales New South Wales lies in the temperate zone. The Great Dividing Range, in the east of the state, has a large impact on the climate, creating four distinct zones: the coastal strip, the highlands, the Western Slopes and the flatter country to the west. Sydney’s climate is pleasantly temperate all year round with more than 340 sunny days a year. In summer (December to February), average maximum temperatures in Sydney are around 26°C. It can also be humid at this time with an average humidity of 65 per cent. Average maximum temperatures in the winter (June-August) are around 16°C. Sydney’s rainfall is highest between March and June.
Cool Stuff in Australia The Great Barrier Reefs A 500,000 year old coral reef system visible from space that has many marine life of all shapes and sizes. It draws tourism because of its versatile and colorful reefs. Sydney Opera House Completed in 1973 by architect Jorn Utzon its one of the most famous performing arts centers in the world.