To identify the features of a sonnet and write your own. Lesson Objective To identify the features of a sonnet and write your own.
Metaphors Think of a metaphor to describe the following things.
Sonnet A sonnet has 14 lines and contains at least one rhyming couplet. Sonnets are traditionally a type of love poem.
I love to see the summer beeming forth And white wool sack clouds sailing to the north I love to see the wild flowers come again And Mare blobs stain with gold the meadow drain And water lilies whiten on the floods Where reed clumps rustle like a wind shook wood Where from her hiding place the Moor Hen pushes And seeks her flag nest floating in bull rushes I like the willow leaning half way o'er The clear deep lake to stand upon its shore I love the hay grass when the flower head swings To summer winds and insects happy wings That sport about the meadow the bright day And see bright beetles in the clear lake play John Clare
Now think of something you love doing. It could be a sport or a hobby Now think of something you love doing. It could be a sport or a hobby. Or it could be a place that you love to visit. Try to write your own sonnet about something that you love. must be fourteen lines and it must have at least one rhyming couplet. Extra Challenge – Try to write your entire sonnet in rhyming couplets (just like John Clare).
Record a mark out of 3 Peer Assessment Swap poems with someone sat near you. Using a different coloured pen, give a tick for each of the following: Is the poem 14 lines? Does the poem have at least one rhyming couplet? Does the poem contain at least one interesting metaphor? Record a mark out of 3
What can you do in poetry that you can’t necessarily do in prose? Plenary Why is poetry a more effective way to write about certain topics, such as love? What can you do in poetry that you can’t necessarily do in prose?