Peace & Conflict LO Identify and explain Conflict & Peace Understand that there are a range of individual, local, national and international perspectives on global issues
Course Overview You will explore the causes and consequences of conflict as well as processes of conflict resolution. You will develop understanding of the influence of culture, religion, politics and economics on perspectives as well as consider the impact and implications of different points of view. You will research case studies of conflict at different levels of society and internationally in different parts of the world, mainly using secondary research methods and internet sources. You will be encouraged to reflect upon your perspectives and responses to conflict and how it can be resolved, as well as develop skills of critical thinking as you encounter more detailed and complex sources and information as evidence.
Local Conflict Students identify by brain storm examples of local conflicts Reasons – sport, religion, race, academic, personal. Poster notes on the walls & review. Should we waste money on cosmetics? Debate & resolve
National Conflict What is National Conflict? Working in pairs come up with a definition and examples – then report back to the class Students find evidence of national conflicts using social media and internet research. Write a summary of the different perspectives of the conflict
Regional Conflict What is a Regional Conflict? Working as a group find photos and maps of regional conflicts and explain to the class what is happening in their example
International Conflict Students find examples of international conflict from each of the continents. Student list the reasons for the conflict and come up with similarities and differences.