How to cite… A Chapter in a Book
Author Last Name, Author First. Name. “Title of Chapter. ”. Book Title Author Last Name, Author First Name. “Title of Chapter.” Book Title. Editor, Publisher, Copyright Date, pages.
Get the title, author, and Publisher Dobrin, Arnold. Voices of Joy, Voices of Freedom. Conrad, McCann, and Geoghegan
Get the copyright date 1972
Use the table of contents to locate chapter title and page numbers You used the chapter on Marian Anderson. Use the table of contents to locate chapter title and page numbers Marian Anderson 57-76
Dobrin, Arnold. “Marian. Anderson. ” Voices of Joy,. Voices of Freedom Dobrin, Arnold. “Marian Anderson.” Voices of Joy, Voices of Freedom. Coward, McCann, and Geoghegan, 1972, pp.57-76.
Your turn!
Helpful hints… If capital letters are misused by a printer, don’t follow their formatting. Use correct capitalization skills. If the author’s middle initial ends with a period, do not add another.
Helpful Hints… Remember, when you are typing, two spaces follow a period. However, only one space follows a comma.
You used in formation about Booker T. Washington. Helpful hints… Page numbers can be obtained from the table or contents or the book itself.
Check your citation
Young, Margaret B. “Booker T. Washington. Black American Leaders Young, Margaret B. “Booker T. Washington. Black American Leaders. Franklin, Watts, Inc., 1969, pp. 15-17.