Critical Thinking - Reading
Preliminary Exercise Get with a partner, take out a sheet of paper, discuss & answer the following: Pretend that you have been assigned the task of conducting a tour for aliens who are visiting earth and observing human life. You are riding along in a blimp, and you float over a professional baseball stadium. One of your aliens looks down and becomes very confused, so you tell him that there is a game underway. Try to answer the following questions for him: What is the game? Why are there no female players? Why do people get so passionate watching other people play games? What is a team? Why can’t the people in the seats just go down on the field and join the game?
Critical Thinking Critical thinking is required in our daily lives. Consider this: When you write something or create an image, you are sending a message into the world; When you read something or view an image, you are receiving a message Whether you are on the sending or receiving side, you must think critically about ALL elements of the situation (sender; message; medium; receiver; context)
Critical Thinking through Reading Reading is an important part of our daily lives. As a student, it is a task you must perform to gain the full learning experience. Instead of dreading reading, you can approach the task systematically to engage and absorb as much as possible. To do this, you can: Use SQ3R Strategy Read Actively
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Survey Question Read Recite Review
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Survey Preview the material including sender (creator), message (subject & purpose), medium (form), receiver (audience), & context (environment) Read about the author Read title, opening and closing paragraphs Note all headings, paragraph topic sentences, boldface type, illustrations, charts, maps, & other content clues Allows you to focus on writer’s message, identify organization, & anticipate how text will develop
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Question Ask questions that you hope to answer as you read Focus on the following Any questions that accompany the reading Turn headings into questions Imagine test questions for major points Ask the journalist’s questions (5W&H) Keeps you actively thinking about what you are reading & helps you absorb information
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Read When you read & you encounter facts & ideas, ask yourself What does it mean? How do the ideas relate to each other & to what I know? What is coming next? Take notes to keep track of answers Read difficult parts slowly Look for unfamiliar words or ideas Use your senses to imagine what you are reading about Allows you to engage in text by triggering memories & connections
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Recite After you finish a page, recite the key points aloud Answering the 5W&H questions aloud will allow you test yourself Tests your comprehension Drives the material into your long-term memory Helps connect content with what you already know
Critical Thinking through Reading SQ3R Strategy Review (as soon as you finish reading & over a few days) Double-check the questions you posed in SQ3R Glance over notes Put information into long-term memory Visualize the concepts in concrete ways Draw diagrams or develop cluster Put the material in your own words Teach it to someone Use acronyms or rhymes
Critical Thinking through Reading Reading Actively (mental dialogue with writer) Pace yourself (30-45 min of reading followed by short breaks) Anticipate (when you break, think about what is coming next & why) Read difficult parts aloud (alone or with partner) Take thoughtful notes (use a system) Annotate text (write alongside your reading)
Critical Thinking through Reading Reading Actively Map the text (helps to visualize the reading) Clusters and graphics Outline the text (write all major points & subpoints) Basic topic outline
Critical Thinking through Reading Read Actively Evaluate the text (thoughtful inspecting, weighing, & evaluating) Judge the reading’s credibility Publisher, author, timing, tone, & attitude Put the readings into a larger context How does reading match what you know? Evaluate the reasoning and support Is the reasoning logical & clear, with enlightening examples? Reflect on how the reading challenges you Which of your beliefs or values does the reading call into question?
Critical Thinking through Reading Responding to a text (consider this your turn in the conversation with the author) Be honest What the reading makes you think, feel & question Be fluid Let your thoughts flow & guide you; clean up later Be reflective Offer thoughtful reflection, not knee-jerk reactions (look inward & outward; relate to own experience) Be selective Zero in on one or two elements of your response & go
Critical Thinking through Reading Summarizing a text (Brief record of reading’s contents) Skim first; read closely Get a sense of the whole work with main idea & support Read through carefully while taking notes Capture the argument Review notes State briefly in your own words Test summary Did you provide the heart of text & not interject opinions
Practice Use SQ3R strategy for reading “Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor?” Show all your work for the strategy Next write a summary and a response to the reading