War in the West Kentucky is most important (both Davis and Lincoln realize it is the key to control of the west). Lincoln’s problem was, who will command U.S. forces in the west? Initial commander was John C. Fremont-an inept but politically important Radical Republican. Only redeeming factor was he did place U.S. Grant in command of western Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Lincoln removed Fremont after he attempted to emancipate slaves. Fremont replaced with Henry Halleck-good administrator known as “Old Brains”.
In September 1861, CSA had moved into eastern Kentucky, threatened the Ohio Valley. January 19-20, 1862-Union forces win at Mill Springs, Kentucky (Logan’s Crossroads). Union General George Thomas forced CSA to retreat into eastern Tennessee. Thomas was a rising star (Virginian who remained loyal).
Meanwhile, Grant was moving south and captured Forts Henry (Feb Meanwhile, Grant was moving south and captured Forts Henry (Feb. 6, 1862) and Donelson (Feb. 13-16, 1862). Grant gained control of western Tennessee and forced CSA under General Albert Sidney Johnston to retreat back to base at Corinth, Mississippi. Grant’s victories indicated he was an up and coming star. Victory was a joint Army-Navy venture. Symbolism of name U.S. (Unconditional Surrender).
Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing). Johnston reorganized at Corinth and wants to defeat Grant before the Army of the Ohio under Don Carlos Buell can join him. Grant was over confident and unprepared, key for Johnston was surprise. April 6, 1861. Grant, carelessly camped, will be surprised by CSA and pushed back to the Tennessee River. Johnston was fatally wounded and CSA will lose momentum. Grant counterattacked the next day and drove the CSA off the field.
Assessment of war in West. Largest battle in U.S. history at that time. More casualties at Shiloh (23,000) than all previous wars combined-due to stubbornness of US troops and the 1st modern war. Battle was inconclusive as Halleck allowed CSA to escape and he followed them VERY slowly. New Orleans. Navy under Flag Officer David Farragut had captured New Orleans. By midsummer of 1862, the CSA only controlled narrow corridor of the Mississippi River between Vicksburg, Mississippi and Port Hudson , Louisiana. Assessment of war in West. War not going well for Confederates but they were still dangerous.
War in the East. Still quiet along the Potomac. Longer McClellan delayed, the more Radical Republicans and Lincoln were alienated. Battle of Ball’s Bluff (Leesburg), Virginia-October 21, 1861. U.S.under command of Charles Stone attacked an impregnable CS position and were bloodily repulsed (former Republican Senator Edward Baker of California killed).
Stone ordered to give a report to Congress, McClellan told him not to Stone ordered to give a report to Congress, McClellan told him not to. Radicals used this to form the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. Dominated by Radicals and included Andrew Johnson-formed to investigate and propose recommendations to Congress. Became an arm of the Radicals Republicans, met in secret, didn’t need a quorum and it politicized the military and war effort-set sights on McClellan. Early 1862, they want McClellan to appear and tell them when he intended to begin operations-he did not go or trust them. Lincoln cannot ignore the rumors, etc.; ordered McClellan to White House, did not come, Lincoln lost temper and ordered McClellan to put the Army in the field by February 22, 1862.
McClellan Moves Plan: comes up with plan based on Scott’s invasion of Mexico. Joint army-navy amphibious assault. Navy controls Chesapeake Bay area while army lands on York Peninsula and marches to Richmond. Problems. CSA controls Norfolk because of new ironclad C.S.S. Virginia. Beginning in early March it had been sinking U.S. ships along Hampton Roads.
U.S. turns to John Ericcson for help (had developed the screw propeller, revolving gun turret and was working on a new ironclad ship). Developed U.S.S. Monitor which arrived off Hampton Roads at about the same time. Battle of the Ironclads (March 9, 1862) was inconclusive but did give McClellan control of the sea lanes to begin invasion.
Plans liabilities. McClellan himself. Believed was was a grand game of chess: with battles fought between 2 armies using a “war of maneuver”. Did not understand that this war was between 2 technological superior societies; not chess but annihilation of the enemy. He was not a killer. Radical Republicans-distrusted him and feared his plan might work and he might win. General James Wadsworth was authorized to investigate the Capitol defenses. Said McClellan had not left enough troops to guard Washington. Lincoln gave General Order #2- directs a division (35,000) to guard city McClellan now positive that he is outnumbered.
Peninsula Campaign McClellan lands and takes Joseph Johnston by surprise (April 4, 1862). Proceeds cautiously up the peninsula, had he been aggressive, he could have taken Richmond easily. Takes a month to take Yorktown. Caution allowed CSA to regroup and offer resistance. Lock in a series of battles. Fair Oaks (Seven Pines): May 31-June 1, 1862.
Lee ordered Jackson to make a diversionary move on Washington. Not a decisive battle but Johnston was wounded and replaced by Robert E. Lee. Lee had been misused up to that point, had been used to coordinate defense along the coast, then as an advisor to Davis. Lee’s problems in western Virginia had been green troops and inept political generals. Not everyone wants him but he understand modern warfare (annihilation of the enemy), Lee is a killer. Lee ordered Jackson to make a diversionary move on Washington. Will freeze up the 35,000 guards, then move back to support Lee. Lee Engaged McClellan in a series of battle called the Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1, 1862). Very bloody battles, McClellan retreated back to Harrison’s Landing.
Assessment of Lee. Results. Positive: he understood modern warfare, begins a year of major Confederate victories. Negative: he may be to aggressive, Seven Days cost him 20,000 men. South could not sustain those causality rates to many times. Results. Lee had not attained goal of annihilation, only checkmated McClellan. Lee can not take McClellan at Harrison’s Landing, but McClellan is the clear loser.
July 8, 1862, McClellan wrote the Harrison’s Landing Letter. Attempt to justify himself-someone else’s fault that the campaign was unsuccessful. Stated that political influence was destroying the army and lectured Lincoln that he must fight the war in a conservative nature and not pursue emancipation. In other words, Lincoln must allow him to set political and military policy (a military dictator)-a lesson in McClellan’s ego.
Lincoln rejected the letter, ordered McClellan to attack and McClellan refused to move. Lincoln replaced McClellan as General-in-Chief by bringing in John Pope. Ordered McClellan to abandon Harrison’s Landing, return to Washington and place himself under Pope’s command.