(Q1 – 40%, Q2 – 40%, Semester Test – 20%) Algebra 1 – Room 323 This course provides a more in depth look at specific algebra topics introduced in pre-algebra. This is a year-long course during which students will gain insightful tools that will not only increase their content knowledge, but also expand their application of mathematical properties beyond the classroom. Ms. Vockrodt (Mrs. Bauck) megan.vockrodt@k12.sd.us 3rd Period 7th Period (Study Hall) Before School: 7:30-8:15 After School until 3:30 Additional Times by Appointment Chapter 1: Equations Chapter 2: Inequalities Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Linear Functions Chapter 5: Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 6: Exponents and Polynomials Chapter 7: Factoring Polynomials Chapter 8: Quadratic Functions and Equations Chapter 9: Exponential Functions Chapter 10: Data Analysis and Probability 35% - Tests 35% - Quizzes 20% - Homework 10% - Notes (Q1 – 40%, Q2 – 40%, Semester Test – 20%) MAKE-UP WORK: Students are allotted 2 days per school day missed to make up any missed assignments. If students know of a future absence, it is their responsibility to get their work before leaving. I am generally very understanding IF you communicate with me. RETAKES: Occasionally, I will offer quiz or test retakes. Retakes must be earned. In order to earn a retake, I will state the specific requirements for each particular quiz or test, but generally this includes scheduling one or more meetings with me and/or completing a review guide. Any late work will only receive half credit up until the chapter test. After that, no credit will be awarded for late assignments for that chapter. ©TheColorThief_TPT
STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO: Come prepared to class with necessary materials Be prepared to answer questions. My philosophy is that everyone is an “equal opportunity respondent”! Pay attention and take notes Get extra help if you don’t understand something Check the class website frequently for assignments, study materials, and announcements Complete assignments on time Communicate promptly to Ms. Vockrodt about any known absences Make up work in a timely fashion All students are expected to follow the Riggs student handbook rules and guidelines. No food or drinks other than water. Use the bathroom before class. Ask permission to leave the room. You are young adults; therefore, I will treat you accordingly…unless I can’t. WORK HARD MAKE MISTAKES OWN YOUR EDUCATION Textbook Pencil, Pen & Notebook Computer Calculator (Optional) Binder or Folder You will have homework almost every day. The goal of homework is to practice in order to make sure you know the material. Homework is PRACTICE, so ask questions, work together, and get help if you need it! I will not formally grade all homework. Some homework will be graded, some will be used for discussion, and some I will check only for understanding and/or completion. I will not announce when I will do each, so it is always in your best interest to complete each assignment and get help when needed! Bellringers are included in your homework grade and are used to check for understanding. All cell phones must be placed in the caddy at the beginning of class or kept on silent in your bag at all times. Any violation will result in confiscation and your phone will be turned in to the office. Anyone caught using a cell phone or who has a cell phone go off during a quiz or test will automatically receive a zero. ©TheColorThief_TPT Website: https://msvockrodt.weebly.com/ Remind: @msvockrodt