Vocabulary Character Analysis 3/1/2017
Reminders We will be having a check of one of the following using a random generator. Cornell Note/Learning Log Quantity Check (10-18 pages a week) Cornell Note Quality Check Learning Log Quality Check Binder Check Agenda Check You can pull any items from Feb 24th until the recent date.
Reminders RSVP for Free SAT Classes On YouTube Live on Thursday at 6pm. March 2nd: SAT Reading March 9th: SAT Writing There was one on Feb 23rd for SAT Math, but it has been saved should you choose to watch it later. RSVP Link through facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/249188208862978/
Reminders STEAM Night March 17th 7-9pm FermiLeb STEM Night April 19th 5:30-8:30
Daily Reading & Writing Read the following sentences including previous vocabulary words. 1. Underline the vocabulary word. 2. Paraphrase the sentence to cater to an individual that didn’t know the vocabulary word.
Choose your Story
Read Aloud Read first paragraph Consider title of the story Re-read first paragraph on own What do you see in your mind about the story already? What stands out to you? What predictions can you make about the story?
Read on Own Read the story silently Annotate Questions you have Connections you are making to things in your own life Interesting details Share out your annotations Summarize the short story and events
Most Interesting Characters Create a list of interesting characters Everyone choose one character to focus on
Homework Re-read the story with your character in mind Annotate Places where the character says or does something that reveals what kind of person he/she is Places where other characters say something to, or about, the character that reveals what kind of person he/she is Mark places where the character’s thoughts reveal insights into his/her motives or values