Podcasting Assignment What is podcasting Podcasting Assignment Podcasting is a form of digital media files, produced in a series of stages. It distributes multimedia files, such as audio programs or music over the internet; using syndication format for playback on PC’s. In this class, students will create their own podcast and post it online for all to enjoy! You should be creative; making sure that your podcast is engaging for your audience. Create a list of ideas for ways you can use a podcast. Give details or a description on how these ideas may be useful. You will then create an assignment sheet and a rubric grading sheet for your podcast. The assignment sheet should include a topic or theme, directions and requirements for the project (e.g. question and answer sheet). You must select one idea from your list, and create an example of it. For the project, you will need a microphone and the program audacity to record. Your final project must have sound effects, proper pronunciations, your voice should be clear and smooth with voice inflections. Have fun! MSTI 231 Burnette Woody