College Entrance TESTs SAT, ACT, PSAT, PLAN & More Johnna Cheek Christina Sawyer
College Entrance Tests Use at Community Colleges
College Entrance Tests: One piece of the puzzle ACT/SAT Scores Rigor/Grades Extracurricular Activities Rank, essay, recommendations, etc.
College Entrance Tests Minimum Admissions Requirements SAT or ACT required with application to any UNC System School Beginning with Fall 2013, UNC System Schools will have a requirement of an 800 (R+M) on the SAT or 17 on the ACT (; Test Optional Schools (WFU, Guilford, etc.) – Interview, writing samples instead Introductory notes.
SAT or ACT? Most all colleges accept EITHER or BOTH tests Majority of schools use the HIGHEST test scores, regardless of when taken Specific ACT/SAT policies can be found at college websites or on and Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
SAT vs. ACT SAT Designed to measure thinking and problem-solving ability Stronger emphasis on vocabulary Algebra & Geom – some free response questions Divided into 9 smaller sections (3 Critical Reading, 3 Math, 3 Writing) 140 questions Essay first 3 hours, 45 minutes Scoring - Penalty for wrong answers ACT Questions more straightforward; more like a “school” test More focus on grammar, punctuation, and syntax Includes some Trig. Includes Science (tests reading and reasoning skills) Divided into big “chunks” – English, Math, Reading, & Science 215 questions Essay last 3 hours, 25 minutes Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
Scoring SAT ACT Critical Reading – 200-800 Mathematics – 200-800 Writing – 200-800 National Averages Critical Reading – 497 (NC 493) Mathematics – 514 (NC 508) Writing – 489 (NC 469) CR+M top score 1600 (average ~1000) CR+M+W top score 2400 (average ~1500) ACT English – 1-36 Mathematics – 1-36 Reading – 1-36 Science – 1-36 Composite – 1-36 (average of 4 scores rounded) National Averages English 20.6 (NC 21.2) Math 21.1 (NC 22.4) Reading 21.3 (NC 22.2) Science 20.9 (21.4) Composite 21.1 (21.9) (NC only 18% graduates tested) Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
Concordance Tables
SOURCE: Same information, different format (averages and middle 50% range) Plan To College Explore Post-Secondary Schools Search for School Admissions Tab
NC’s College & Career Promise Beginning this year, all Juniors will take the ACT in March FREE OF CHARGE ($49.50 value) Beginning this year, all SOPHOMORES took the PLAN during December Introductory notes.
Recommendations Take PLAN as sophomore Take PSAT as sophomore and junior Take ACT and SAT as junior (SAT after Alg 2) Take best of two as senior (or both) A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.
How to Prepare Use PSAT/PLAN results CapEd Sylvan Princeton Review Plus MANY more… Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
Questions? Grade-level Groups 10th Graders & Parents – Auditorium PLAN & PSAT Scores 11th Graders & Parents – Library PSAT Scores ACT/SAT Recommendations An opportunity for questions and discussions.