Absolute Rulers of Russia Chapter 5.4
Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV was the first Czar of Russia Czar- means Caesar. The Good Period- He expanded Russian lands He wrote a just code of laws.
The Bad Period Ivan blamed the Boyars (Russian land owning nobles), for the death of his wife. He built a police force. They rode black horses and wore black robes. He used them to kill these nobles. He gave the nobles land away to anyone he wanted in return for their loyalty.
The Time of Troubles After Ivan’s death, Russia had a civil war Boyars tried to seize power Romanovs come to power Tired of fighting, in 1613 representatives from major cities met and elected Michael Romanov as the next Czar The Romanov dynasty restored stability
Russia's Absolute Monarch Peter the Great Russia's Absolute Monarch
Peter the Great He was the great nephew of Ivan the Terrible. He began almost immediately to increase his power. Goal: Peter wanted to be like the Western European countries. (Westernization)
Page 176 – Peter Rules Absolutely What were Peter’s reforms, and how did they increase his power? What did Peter do to Westernize Russia, and why? How did establishing St. Petersburg increase the power of the Peter the Great?
Parliament Limits the English Monarchy Chapter 5.5
England: Monarchy vs. Parliament
King James I Elizabeth I’s cousin, also King of Scotland. He inherited her debt. He offended Puritan members of Parliament by not agreeing to their reforms. Fought with Parliament over money.
King Charles I War is expensive!! Dissolved Parliament when they refused to give him money. Was forced to sign the Petition of Right to get needed funds.
The Petition of Right The king was not allowed to: Imprison subjects without just cause Levy taxes without Parliament’s consent House soldiers in private homes Impose martial law in peacetime Implies that the law is above the king!!!
Beginning of Civil War Charles I offended English Puritans and Scottish Presbyterians. In 1637, Scots threatened to invade England. Guess who didn’t give Charles any money?
Page 181 – English Civil War Why did the civil war start, and how did it end? What was life like in England under Cromwell? What happened when Cromwell died? Describe the Glorious Revolution.