Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 Notes
1. The Ghost In purgatory because the king died unabsolved Angrily gives details of the murder to upset Hamlet
The Ghost Speaks of “seeming virtuous queen” (appearance/reality theme) Gentle, sad, forgiving, angry and conniving Stresses revenge and murder
2. Hamlet’s Threefold Oath “Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest ”(82-83) Stop the incest
The Oath: “Taint not thy mind” (85) Don’t become evil yourself
The Oath: “nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother” (85). Don’t hurt Mom!
Question: Are all three things possible?
3. Hamlet’s Second Soliloquy Resolves to act quickly Can be a man of action, though up to now, he has spent much time thinking and wallowing in his emotions
Second Soliloquy Feels strong emotion (anger, horror, sadness) Attempts to control emotion “hold, hold, my heart” (93)
Second Soliloquy Is clear about his reaction “thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain.” (102-103)
Shows lack of equilibrium through exclamation and repetition hysterical
4. Hamlet After the Ghost: Insists Horatio and Marcellus swear to keep his revenge plan a secret
Hamlet After the Ghost He will pretend to be mad, put on an “antic disposition” (172) If he can get away with unusual behaviour, he can bring about his revenge
Hamlet After the Ghost Is this a good plan? Is Hamlet really going crazy?
Hamlet After the Ghost Has vowed quick action, and resolves to do his duty, but doesn’t like his fate “The time is out of joint. O cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right” (188-189)