Term 3 Projects
Projects Each group will be responsible for planning and running their own experiment. You can use any materials you think you may need. Each group will have 3 members only.
Teams 8A Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Jenny Harry Matthew Crystal Jun Woo Ryan Brian Robert Ashley Daniel Eric Junki Paul Kayla Jacob Kevin Elizabeth Emily
Teams 8B Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Miguel Brian Daniel Jiin Eric Kang Hareem Gloria Eric Kim, Jun Danny Peter Chris Ryan Sophia Alex Joseph Mark Phillip
Term Project Your task is to design and perform an experiment or project, where by changing the pressure, volume or density, makes something buoyant. Buoyant basically means it floats.
How Submarines Work
Deadline The deadline for projects will be the 5th of March. Each group will give a very brief presentation to the class on how their design works and inspiration behind it. You DO NOT need to make a powerpoint. Just a couple of minutes talking. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework
Deadline On Tuesday 10th (if I’m here) I would like to see a sketch and a short plan. Think about what materials you may need ahead of time. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework
I’m Batman! Please get into your groups now and think about what you would like to make. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework