Internet Vocabulary Terms
worldwide collection of networks made up of smaller networks Internet: worldwide collection of networks made up of smaller networks Several computers connected together to share information An electronic document that contains text, graphics, and information Linked and related webpages that start with a home page Network: Webpage (Web page): Website (Web Site):
Hyperlink / Link: A word, phrase, graphic that takes you to view a picture, read text, view a video, view another webpage, etc. A software program that allows you to view webpages a webpage’s unique address programs used to find /search for Websites and Webpages Browser: URL: Search Engines:
Parts of a URL protocol Domain Type
Domain Types .com = .edu = .gov = .mil = .net = .org = Commercial Educational Government Institution Military Network Provider Nonprofit
Four Main Internet Purposes Communication (Examples?) Education (Examples?) Entertainment (Examples?) Business (Examples?)
Types of Websites Personal (Examples?) Organizational / Topical (Examples?) Commercial (Examples?)
How to recognize a secure website?