Developed and Developing Nations SOL8
Differences between Developed and Developing: -Access to natural resources -Access to capital resources -Number and skills of human resources -Levels of economic development -Standards of living and quality of life
Developed Countries Developed countries have a higher standard of living. They make most of their income from Secondary and Tertiary economic activities. They have a low birth rate USA-13.42 per 1,000 They have a low death rate USA-8.15 per 1,0000 They have a long life expectancy USA-79.56 years They have a small percentage of the population under 15 USA-19.4% They have a high literacy rate USA-99% Low infant mortality USA 6.17 per 1,000 High per capita GDP USA $52,800.00
These are countries with a lower standard of living. Developing Countries These are countries with a lower standard of living. They make most income from primary economic activities They have low per capita GDP They have high birthrate Low literacy rates High infant mortality Low life expectancy High percentage of the population under the age of 15 High death rate ██ High human development ██ Medium human development ██ Low human development ██ Unavailable
% Living on less than $1/ Day
% of People Living in Poverty
Most of the people are over 15 years of age Long life expectancy Developed Country Developing Country Low birth rate Most of the people are over 15 years of age Long life expectancy Low infant mortality rate Most people live in urban areas (cities) High per capita Gross Domestic Product High literacy rate Highly industrialized People make a living in secondary or tertiary economic activities High birth rate Most of the people are less than 15 years of age Low life expectancy High infant mortality rate Most people live in rural areas (country side) Low per capita Gross Domestic Product Low literacy rate Little industry People make a living in primary economic activities.