Context Clues Be an undercover detective and solve the case of the unknown words! What are context clues? Some authors "leak" information on the page which requires us to use our detective work to "solve" word meanings. Context clues are words and phrases in sentences that are helpful for learning unknown words and for better understanding what you read. If you can find these clues, you can know the meaning of all the words!
There are four common ways that the authors will give you clues for understanding difficult words: 1. Definition The unknown word is defined directly and clearly in the sentence. How easy! Here are signals to indicate when the author is giving you the definition. A comma comes right after the unknown word, and then the definition is given. Ex. The arbitrator, the neutral person chosen to settle the argument, arrived at her decision. The word or. Ex. At night you can see constellations, or groups of stars, in the sky.
There are four common ways that the authors will give you clues for understanding difficult words: 2. Synonym The author uses another word or phrase that is similar in meaning, or can be compared to the unknown word. Here are signal words to indicate when the author is giving you synonyms: Also, as, like, resembling, same, similarly, too Ex. My dog Buck travels everywhere with me. My friend's canine buddy travels everywhere with him, too.
There are four common ways that the authors will give you clues for understanding difficult words: 3. Antonym The author uses another word or phrase that means the opposite of the unknown word. Here are signal words to indicate when the author is giving you antonyms: But, however, instead of, on the other hand, though, unlike Ex. I thought the movie would be weird, but it turned out to be totally mundane. Ex. Unlike Jarmaiel's room, which was immaculate, Jordan's room was very messy.
There are four common ways that the authors will give you clues for understanding difficult words: 4. Example The author provides several words or ideas that are examples of the unknown word. Luminous: Stars, Moon, Sparkles Imperative: Homework, eating healthy, being kind, following rules Mischief: Trouble makers, Dennis the Menace, ALC, looking for Christmas presents Here are signal words to indicate when the author is giving you examples: For example, for instance, including, like, such as Ex. Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are located in space. In science we are studying marine mammals including whales, dolphins, and porpoises.