Guidelines for Book Report
How Many Pages - Paragraphs If you type out your book report: 2 pages, double spaced, four paragraphs If you write out your book report: 4 pages, front and back, skipping lines, four paragraphs
More Formatting Details All beginnings of paragraphs should be indented. If you’re typing, use Times New Roman font, 12 point. Number your pages, whether typed or written out, bottom center
Indented Paragraphs
Paragraphs Paragraph 1: Should introduce the reader to your book. What is its title? Who’s the author? Why did you choose it? Get the reader’s attention right away! Paragraph 2: Should discuss the general plot of the book. Plot = What is the problem, how does the story peak to a climax, what is the resolution of the problem, and how does the book end.
Paragraphs Paragraph 3: Put on your critic’s hat. Talk about the book’s strengths and the book’s weaknesses. Have at least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses. Paragraph 4: End your book report with an eye-catching ending that wraps it all up neatly. Great words to use at the end: Therefore, In conclusion, In the final analysis, etc.
More Formatting Details All book titles should be italicized and Capitalized. Personal pet peeve: Travis’s sneakers DON’T DO THIS! S’S IS A NO NO DO THIS: Travis’ sneakers
More Formatting Details Use the Oxford Comma Always. This is the Oxford Comma: Joe, Bob, and Suzie The Oxford Comma comes before the word “and” in a series. Why use it?