What Do You Know About “Doctoring”?
Basic Physical Exam (PE) an orderly evaluation of body and functions Inspection techniques Palpation Auscultation Percussion Vital signs: respiratory rate, temperature, pulse, and blood pressure (BP)
Types of P. E. Medical / Clinical / Physical Preventative Sports Insurance
P. E. Includes: Medical history (personal profile) collecting info about patient (pt) events that might be related chief complaint (CC) history of present illness past medical problems family problems social history
Includes: (cont’) Imaging tests Laboratory tests MRI Chemistry Panel CT / CAT X-rays SPECT PET Sonography Chemistry Panel blood urine / feces pathology
Tools Scale Thermometer Sphygmomanometer Stethoscope Clock / Watch w/ second hand Laboratory….needles, tubes, cups, slides, ….
Basic Vocabulary Disorder: an abnormality of structure and/or function Disease: illness characterized by a recognizable set of symptoms and signs Symptoms (Sx): changes in body functions (subjective) not apparent to an observer Examples: headache, nausea Signs: objective changes, observable and measurable Examples: bleeding, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, a rash, paralysis
Diagnosis (Dx) ID of a disease or disorder based on a scientific evaluation of patient’s symptoms and signs, medical history, physical exam, and sometimes data from lab tests
Prognosis a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease. the likelihood of recovery from a disease.
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