Retrieval: Getting Information Out
Recall Versus Recognition: A Practical school application you must retrieve the information from your memory fill-in-the blank or essay tests you must identify the target from possible targets multiple-choice tests
Relearning – learning something more quickly when you learn it a second time or later time. When you study for a final exam or engage in a language used in early childhood, you will relearn the material more easily than you did initially.
Retrieval Cues Priming – “wakening of associations” Bits of information that are like tags, hints, or ID marks – help you associate with memory to help you successfully retrieve. Can be experiences – tastes, smells, sights
Context Effects It helps to put yourself back in the same context you experienced (encoded) something. If you study on your favorite chair at home, you will probably score higher if you also took the test on the chair. Bolt 18 activity for next slides
DeJa Vu The feeling that you think you saw/experienced something, but did not.
The Context Matters!!! Mood Congruent Memory - your current mood can color/affect how you view memories State Dependent Memory – What you learn in one state is more easily recalled if you are again in that state.
Forgetting Remembering everything can be just as harmful as remembering nothing. Discarding clutter, information that is no longer useful keeps our minds sharp. Better organize, generalize, evaluate and create. Amnesia Anterograde: can not form new memories Retrograde: can not recall old information
Forgetting Getting a new bus number and forgetting old bus number. Retroactive Interference: new information blocks out old information. Proactive Interference: old information blocks out new information. Proactive Interference Old info gets in the way of new Retroactive Interference New info gets in the way of old Calling your new girlfriend by old girlfriends name.
Constructive Memory Memories are not always what they seem. Elizabeth Loftus Eyewitnesses and trials interview clip A constructed memory is a created memory. Misinformation effect Memory Construction & Court