Q. 8 – What are the 3 Major Sociological Perspectives? Functionalism Interactionism (Symbolic Interactionist) Conflict Perspective
Q. 8 (Continued) Functionalism Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, Merton Society a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable society Consensus Not all elements run smoothly DYSFUNCTION: negative consequence for the lack of stability in society Example: Crime – disrupts – not stabilizes There are positive functions and negative functions Each can be either MANIFEST or LATENT Manifest: intended consequence Latent: unintended consequence In education, examples of dysfunction include getting bad grades truancy, dropping out, not graduating, and not finding suitable employment.
Hold Up! Did you greet anyone yet today in the hallway? Describe three people you greeted and how you greeted them. How would you greet someone: You see every day You work with You haven’t seen in a long time
Q. 8 (Continued) Interactionist Theory Weber, Mead Functionalists and Conflict Theorists focus on society in general or groups Interactionists focus on individuals and their interaction with each other Role of symbols in life Symbol: anything that represents something else Example: objects, words, gestures American flag, salute, a high five, slang How people use symbols is symbolic interaction
What do these mean?
Q. 8 (Continued) Conflict Perspective Karl Marx People in society who possess more power in society control others with less power Study various groups: women and men, race, family, employers and employees, etc. Competition over scarce resources (power, wealth) Group gains control of it – establish rules and procedures to keep it Protect their interests at expense of other groups Leads to social conflict – social change – inevitable in society
Q. 8 (Continued) Institutions and relationships that are inherently in conflict Employee/Boss Teacher/Student Principal/Student College Prof./Student Coach/Player Landlord/Tenant Police/Citizen Shopkeeper/Customer Parent/child Wealthy/poor Name some relationships in which you are in conflict with each day – whether or not you are the controller…or controlled.