Waterford High School AP Statistics Course Syllabus 2018-2019
Mrs. Viney Room #506 jviney@waterford. k12. ca Mrs. Viney Room #506 jviney@waterford.k12.ca.us School 874-9060 Ext 3506 Cell 484-4314
Course Description Advanced Placement Statistics acquaints students with the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will frequently work on projects involving the hands-on gathering and analysis of real world data. Ideas and computations presented in this course have immediate links and connections with actual events. Computers and calculators will allow students to focus deeply on the concepts involved in statistics. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination in Statistics.
Student Responsibilities 1. Bring all materials to class (paper, pencil, book, homework, calculator, etc.) 2. Complete all homework assignments. 3. After an absence, get missed notes and make-up all work missed. 4. Perform work in pencil only, showing all steps involved in solving the problems.
Bathroom Use You may use the bathroom twice a quarter The third time you will receive a referral
Cheating/Plagiarism Cheating/Plagiarism will not be accepted at WHS. This is a serious issue. Students need to understand that this is the same as stealing. Consequences of cheating or copying include but are not limited to a zero on the test or assignment and a referral. Consequences will be applied to all parties involved, so make sure your work remains your own.
Cheating/Plagiarism 1. Turning in someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own (with or without their knowledge) 2. Allowing another student to turn in work as his/her own. 3. Several students writing one assignment and turning in multiple copies all represented as individual work. 4. Turning in an assignment where two or more have at least one part that is word-for-word the same. This is not “working together”. 5. Giving answer(s) to another student. This is not “helping” the other student. 6. When a student is absent, he/she will need to get the notes from another student. Copying a student’s notes when absent is not cheating, copying homework for any reason IS cheating. 7. Copying even one problem/answer is cheating.
Help! How do you do this again? 1. Read the sections in the book that we discussed in class. There may be some answers in the back of the book for reference. 2. Come and see me. Tutoring is offered Mon- Thurs 7:20 – 8:00 am. Except when the math department is on morning duty. This occurs approximately every six weeks. 3. My phone number is 484-4314. Please call me before 10:00 p.m. and never on Sunday. 4. Call a friend in class. 5. Google/Youtube/Kahn Academy
Course Materials Pencils & Erasers Binder w/Math Section or Notebook Textbook The Practice of Statistics, W.H. Freeman and Company TI89 or TI84 Graphing Calculator
Grading Policy/Citizenship 1. Tests & Quizzes 65% 2. Final Exam 15% 3. Homework 10% 4. Project 10%
Homework There will be homework almost every night. Each homework assignment will be worth approximately 10 points. The homework will be graded in class. Late homework will receive zero points.
Project There will be statistics projects throughout the year. Projects must be turned in on the day they are due even if the student is absent.
Remind, Grades and Mrs. Viney’s Website Parents and students can check grades at the Waterford High School website. Go to Infinite Campus and log in. Waterford High School For my website go to the Waterford High School website (click the link above), select teacher directory and then find Mrs. Viney. Remind: @c86k4e
AP Exam The AP Statistics exam is mandatory for every student in the Statistics class. This exam is an excellent experience and will aid you in math placement for college. If you score a 3 or better, you may get college credit for the class. The AP exam will be administered on Thursday, May 16 2019 beginning at 12:00.
Absenteeism This is an upper level college prep mathematics course. It is of utmost importance that you are in class every day. Please do not drive or take the driving test during my class. Make every effort to go to any appointments after school. Vacations should be taken during school holidays. If you are absent for a prolonged period of time, please consider hiring a one-on-one tutor.
All Items are Subject to Change at the Discretion of the Instructor