Mr. Foster 6th CLASS MATERIALS contact me: Class Procedures Rules


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Foster 6th CLASS MATERIALS contact me: Class Procedures Rules Language Arts 6th Mr. Foster 2017-2018 contact me: CLASS MATERIALS Resources: - Elements of Language and related materials by Holt - Additional Literature & Language Books - Selected Novels - Library Books - Research Materials: Dictionary, Thesaurus, etc. Chrome Books 869-5200 (school number) ☐ loose leaf paper ☐ Multiple pencils ☐ glue stick ☐ folder ☐ colored pencils ☐ highlighter (not on supply list) ☐ 1 composition book Class Procedures Expectations  Course Content: The focus of this class is to help students improve in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Classes will include a variety of reading lessons using the materials listed above. Lessons will include reading strategies used by good readers. Students will also be writing this year. The students may write essays, letters, narratives, poetry, etc. Classes will often begin with Daily Oral Language. Students will edit sentences for capitalization, usage, punctuation and spelling errors. We will have grammar, punctuation, and capitalization lessons. We will use our textbook and a grammar handbook as resources for these lessons. Students will plan something and present it orally. Detailed instructions will be provided well in advance of this activity. Special Projects may be assigned during the year. Students will receive a written explanation and grading criteria for the project. 1. Try your personal best. 2. Raise your hand to take part in lesson/discussion. 3. Respect others (teachers and classmates) 4. Take responsibility for your actions (Remember that you decide what choices you make. You decide whether or not you are going to have a good day!) 5. Ask questions if you don’t know something. 6. Stay focused on what is happening at the moment. - If a student chooses not to follow either the school/ classroom expectations, they will choose to receive consequences 1. Be in seat when tardy bell rings. 2. Put proper heading on all work. 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. 4. Use restroom during passing breaks. 5. Keep your area clean and orderly. 6. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 7. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. 40% 40% 10% 20% Consequences Rules 1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reprimand/reminder. 2. Lunch Detention: eat alone 3. General’s Report : (see planner)

Mr. Foster Class Work/Assessments Absentee Policy Technology Grading Language Arts 6th Mr. Foster 2017-2018 2016-2017 Absentee Policy Class Work/Assessments It is the student’s responsibility to check the class planner, and Google Classroom to find any assignments missed. A student has two extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Class Work: It is essential that your child complete his/her work every night when assigned. Homework generally is made up of what was not completed in class. It must be turned in/submitted by the beginning of class on the following day, or on the day assigned (in the case of a paper or project). Homework not turned in is considered late and it will affect their grade. Remember that homework is for your child to complete. If there is a problem with your child understanding any assignment, please let us know A.S.A.P. so that we can discuss it in class. Assessments: If your child receives anything below a 75% on an assessment, they will be give the opportunity to “redo” it to improve the grade. This means they must correct any incorrect responses and explain why it was wrong. The new grade will be averaged with the original to produce a new score. If your child chooses to take advantage of this opportunity, the corrected test will be due on the next school day after they received their graded test Pre-A.P. This class will be working on sixth grade material as well as the beginning of 7th grade content. In class we will be expanding the 6th grade Standards concepts into the next grade level. For example RL6.1 Standard says, “Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.” Standard RL7.1 says, “Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.” These students will be expected to master more of the Literary Vocabulary as we examine a variety of reading material. They will be expected to write to a higher level such as providing a clear counter argument in writing arguments. Technology Chromebooks will be used in Language Arts. The majority of class assignments, projects, and assessments will be completed digitally through the Google Classroom. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. They are permitted to carry cell phones and use them at appropriate times with permission. Grading Graded papers will reflect the total number points correct over the number of points possible for the assignment or assessment. After a grading period, I will no longer accept work for that period. Grading Scale: 90-100:A, 80-89:B, 70-79:C, 60-69:D, 0-59:F Communication Parent /Teacher communication is extremely important. I want to encourage you to contact me with your questions and concerns. Many misunderstandings or questions can be cleared up with a simple phone call. You may either write a note in the planner, telephone before or after school (869-5200), or the most efficient way is to email. I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for class. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on the Google Classroom at any time. Student ________________________________ Parent ____________________________________ Sign…