Welcoming Dinner When: THIS Tuesday @ 6:30 Where: Café Who: New and returning senators What: A way for everyone in ManeLink to come together Register today!
Dues $25 Due NO LATER than September 9 Include t-shirt, food, and utility fees Black button down NOT included $20 Due NO LATER than September 9
Communication http://www.cobbk12.org/kennesawmountain/fs_fo rlang.aspx Calendar Stall Street Journal
Attendance Point System Percentages Impeachment Policies
Wednesdays Bananas Club T-shirts
Can Food Drive Goal: 10,000 Deadline: September 9 Ideas?
Homecoming Theme announced tomorrow Building starts on Wednesday Date Game: October 21 Dance: October 22
Mustang 101 What it is? How YOU can help
Spirit Buses $20 First away game @ Sprayberry Theme: Hippie Out Includes ticket, meal, ride there and back First away game @ Sprayberry Theme: Hippie Out
August August 31: Begin Homecoming building
September September 2: Sprayberry Spirit Bus September 9: ML dues When do we want to place t-shirt orders? September 10: Taste of Kennesaw September 19-23: Homecoming Nominations ALL OF SEPTEMBER: Homecoming Building
October October 1: NGSF/Horizon October 2: NGSF October 3: Big ML theater meeting/Top 25 Voting/Talk to Sponsors for SWAM October 6: Top 10 Voting October 10: Court Voting October 13: Last day of Homecoming building October 14: Court announced October 17-21: Homecoming Spirit Week October 22: Homecoming October 24: RWAM/PPF Apps released October 31: Teacher Halloween SWAM Fundraiser
November November 3: PPF Apps dues November 4: RWAM Apps Due
December December 10: SWAM Holiday Party/Banquet/Secret Santa