The American Civil War 1861-1865 Who: American citizens What: A war between members of the same group or country When: 1861-1865 Where: The United States of America Why: Some states disagreed with the American government about the issue of slavery, and they wanted to be their own country.
The Union States Also called: Army led by: Political views: *The North *The Yankees Army led by: Ulysses S. Grant Political views: Did not agree with slavery Soldiers’ Uniform: Blue
Confederate States Also called: Army led by: Political views: *The South *The Rebels Army led by: Robert E. Lee Political views: Wanted to continue slavery Soldiers’ Uniform: Grey
Battles of the Civil War
1. Regional Differences: Causes of the Civil War 1. Regional Differences: The North had factories and more people. The South had farms and grew crops.
Causes of the Civil War 2. Slavery The North thought slavery was wrong, but did not want try to end it. Most Northerners did not want to go to war over slavery. The South depended on slavery to run the plantations. Without slavery the southern economy would suffer.
Causes of the Civil War 3. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin The book was about the cruelty of slavery. Many people began to think slavery was wrong after reading it. It was the second-highest selling book in the 19th century.
Causes of the Civil War 4. John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry John Brown was an abolitionist (anti-slavery) Brown took a small group of men to Harpers Ferry, VA to seize weapons Southerners were angry and the North wanted to fight
Important People Abraham Lincoln: Goal was to end slavery. He was the 16th president-elected in 1860. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 by John Wilkes booth. He created the Emancipation Proclamation to end slavery. .
Assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s Theater. John Wilkes Booth: Assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s Theater. .
“Half Slave and Half Free” Jefferson Davis Seceded from the Union President of the Confederacy Arrested after the war. In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
“Half Slave and Half Free” Robert E Lee Jefferson Davis appointed him in charge of the Confederate Army. Lee lost the battle of Gettysburg in 1863. This was the turning point of the war. In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
“Half Slave and Half Free” Ulysses S. Grant Grant was the 18th President of the US Union General- focused on dividing and destroying the Confederacy. He had many successful battles General Lee surrendered to him at the Appomattox Courthouse. In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson “Half Slave and Half Free” Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Well known Confederate General Earned the name “Stonewall” by not retreating Know for leadership at Bull Run His death was a severe set back for the Confederate Army. In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
“Half Slave and Half Free” Clara Barton Was a nurse during the Civil War Founded the American Red Cross. In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
“Half Slave and Half Free” General Sherman The March to the Sea was led by General Sherman This was the burning of Atlanta to Savannah and great destruction In this photobiography, Abraham Lincoln struggles with the question of personal rights versus states’ rights in his fight to end slavery.
“Charley Skedaddle” In this historical fiction selection, a twelve-year-old boy gets swept up in the frenzy of war, then must deal with the consequences of his actions.