lucid – adj. Definition: Clear; easy to understand Example: The wonders of the temple were made more lucid by a guided tour of the little museum.
repudiate - verb Definition: To reject; to disown Example: The scientist repudiated the lab work of the new technician because of the multiple errors.
superficial – adj. Definition: Relating to the surface; shallow Example: The wound was superficial, so the boy didn’t need stitches.
primordial – adj. Definition: Formed long ago; primitive Example: The primordial village was lacking modern conveniences like running water and plumbing that we enjoy today.
irony - noun Contradictory; using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of it’s real meaning. Example: Irony is spending half of your life making fire extinguishers, and then dying in a fire because you didn't have a fire extinguisher.
Affixes Prefix: tri Definition: three Examples: tricycle, triangle, tripod Suffix: -tion, -sion Definition: state, condition, action, process, or result Examples: election, prohibition, compassion, decision, conclusion