TV/FILM Writing Week 7
Bell Ringer: If you did not answer this from Friday. If you did, get out your book and character chart. Answer the following writing prompt: Chapter 8 is a strange two-page description of Mr. Harvey’s past. Losing his mother hardly accounts for his need to murder young girls and women. Use the list below to document some of the information we are given: what the not still dreams are about: meaning of the word “transfiguration”: what he means by “not still”??? what George’s mother wears/leaves with him: what George’s father does for a living: what George’s father did to his mother:
Agenda: Update character chart. Listen to chapter 9
Tuesday Bell Ringer & Agenda: Get out book and summarize what has happened in the beginning of chapter 9. Turn into bin. Finish listening to chapter 9 Conflict
The Lovely Bones: Chapter 9 As we read, answer the study guide questions! We are on page 105.
Conflict: What is the conflict so far in the novel? Susie vs ___________ Human vs ___________ What was the complication or trigger event to start the rising action in motion? What do you predict will happen next? Share with a partner/share with the class
Wednesday Bell Ringer & Agenda: Create a RAP for chapters 1-9. R: Retell (at least one paragraph retelling what you read) A: Ask (Ask at least two questions about the story so far) P: Predict (Predict what is going to happen in chapter 10) Bell Ringer Discuss bell Ringer Chapter 10 reading Imagery Chart
As you read chapter 10: Fill out the imagery chart. Chapter ten (as well as the book as a whole) use imagery in many different ways. Find at least 3 examples of imagery and explain why the author chooses to use it. Words/Phrases = a direct quote from the passage (including page #) Sense = what sense does it grab (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) Author’s Purpose = why do you think the author choose to use the imagery (each example should have a different reason! And “because she wanted to” is not a good reason!) Turn in tomorrow. Be prepared for a reading quiz over chapter ten. Make sure you are also answer the questions on the study guide!
Thursday Bell Ringer & Agenda: Bell Ringer: Reading Quiz: Answer 5 out of 6. Agenda: Describe Hal, Samuel Heckler’s brother. Name on of the poems that Ruth writes. What is the “Gifted Symposium”? Why did Ruth sneak into Lindsey’s room? What was the activity that the principal came up with that everyone tried to shield Lindsey from? What object does Susie say is the perfect murder weapon? Bell Ringer Point of View Activity
Point of View: As you turned in your quiz, you received a card with an object on it. You will be given 10 minutes (use the time wisely!) Write what this object sees, hears, smells, touches, and tastes. You are writing the object’s point of view during a fire drill. It’s a story, not a list. This part is on your own! Full page minimum!
Get into a group of 3 – 4: 7 minutes Each person will read their story. Then discuss how every object had a different story even though they went through the same event. Where there similarities? What was the biggest difference between the stories? Be prepared to share!
Whole Group: How did every object had a different story even though they went through the same event. Where there similarities? What was the biggest difference between the stories? Anyone want to share their story? How does this relate to The Lovely Bones?
Exit Slip: On the back of your story: How does this relate to The Lovely Bones? In what ways does the author use POV to change the mood/tone of the book? How does this effect your experience as a reader? Name date Turn in bin!
Friday Bell Ringer & Agenda: At the end of Chapter 10, Susie says that she’s describe her experience with Mr. Harvey like a house with walls covered in blood and horror. On the other hand, Lindsay’s experience with Samuel is like a house with windows. How does this event change how Susie feels about her sister? Bell Ringer Poem creation Read chapter 11
Poem Creation: On page 114, Ruth mentions that she creates poems about Susie. Pick one of the following titles and create the poem about Susie Being Susie After Death In Pieces Beside Her Now The Lip of the Grave When finished, turn it in and finish chapter 9-10 study guide. Show Mrs. Webster Begin reading Chapter 11 (DUE MONDAY!)