Vertical Teams
Agenda The purpose of the vertical teams are to collaborate about effective instructional practices. SIP Goal: By June 2014: 19 subgroups will meet high growth in reading, math 88% Proficient K-5 90% Proficient Sub Groups: F&R, Black, Hispanic 1. Common Core and Vocabulary- How are they related? 2. Team Building Activity-Visuwords 3. Remember- Super Hero Mondays and Graphic Organizers 4. Activity- Article and Six Steps 5. Tier II Vocabulary- Generate List 6. Next steps- Considering your students
What does CC say about vocabulary? Read and understand complex text including literature and informational text. Word analysis Writing- using precise language & domain specific vocabulary Speaking- discussions about topics and texts Recounting key ideas and details Research and reports about topics and text
Determine or clarify meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases using an array of strategies Affixes Greek and Latin roots Using reference materials to determine/ clarify the precise meanings Figurative language and nuances Use words and phrases acquired in grade level conversations ( academic and domain specific) Math Talk
Recall a word that... Makes you laugh Makes you feel smarter A word you love Example: ball
Remember... Indirect vs. Direct Instruction 1. Indirect: exposure of words and rich language 2. Direct: specific word instruction Vocabulary Webs for each grade level
Marzano's Six Step Process The vocabulary word is: coat Individually or in a small group teach the rest of the group the word coat using the resources: Descriptors of Each Step and the article These steps are an example is a direct instruction sample Other words that might be used for the Six Steps
Tier 2 Vocabulary Generate list of Tier 2 words to use in our classrooms across ALL content areas...
Think about this... One day I was confused when kids were complaining there were no more pencils. There were more than twenty pencils in the sharp container. When Mario explained his criteria for sorting pencils, it all made sense. If there was any nib at all on a pencil, Mario and his classmates would put it in the sharp container. But they were loath to use those pencils with the worn, smooth nibs. I explained to the class, "Put pencils in the sharp container that you would use again; put pencils in the dull container that you would not use again." They didn't need to change their criteria -- I needed to change my language to meet them where they were. Eventually I added to the labels to use again and not to use. As I've worked with teachers, I've seen how much of the Common Core involves sorting and labeling what we are doing in new ways. If there is confusion, it may be that we need to rethink practice. But often it's just a matter of renaming what works well already.
Action Steps after today... What will you do in your classroom to support students vocabulary growth? Share Time Would anyone be willing to video tape themselves using the Six Step Process?