Look back at Good-bye to the Moon. Get Ready to Read Look back at Good-bye to the Moon. How can a focus on the future help us imagine new possibilities? Which details in the story show you that Kepler and his father are focusing on the future and imagining new possibilities for people living on the moon? Which ideas about the future help you imagine new possibilities? Why do we make speculations about the past and the future? How might the past help us imagine future habitations?
Weightlessly Vastness Hub Perpetual Habitation Hydroponic Speculation Get Ready to Read Weightlessly Vastness Hub Perpetual Habitation Hydroponic Speculation Ecology-conscious Reusable energy Infinity Use two of the amazing words in a sentence. Continue doing that with the rest of the words. Be creative!
Read and Comprehend Compare and Contrast Look back at page 278. Use Kepler’s comparisons between the moon and Earth to create a venn diagram. How does Kepler describe the difference between the availability of water on the Earth and on the Moon? How does Kepler feel about his first trip to Earth? Would you feel the same or differently if you were in his shoes? Think of a character from another story you’ve read. Compare and Contrast the character with Kepler. Write 3-5 sentences about how the two characters are similar and different.
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word precluded. Read and Comprehend Turn to page 284. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word precluded. How is the magnetrain like trains we have today? How is it different? Kepler no longer felt so much like a “country cousin”. What does that mean? Have you ever felt that way? Good-bye to the Moon is told in first person. Think of another story you’ve read in first person. How does this point of view affect your enjoyment and understanding of the text?
Read The Grand Lunar Hotel. Read and Comprehend Read The Grand Lunar Hotel. Compare and contrast Ken and Simon’s reactions to Dad’s news. Summarize the plot of The Grand Lunar Hotel. Underline a context clue you can use to determine the meaning of eternity. Compare and contrast Ken’s feelings about living on the Moon at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.
Subject Verb Agreement Language Arts Subject Verb Agreement The subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number. When a singular subject takes a present-tense verb, that verb usually ends in –s or –es. When a plural subject takes a present-tense verb, that verb usually does not end in –s or –es.’ Compound subjects must have a verb that agrees with a plural subject. Underline the subject and verb, then decide if they agree. Ken feel nervous about leaving the Earth. The Moon have people living on it. Ken’s parents wants their sons to be happy. Write your own sentence and underline the subject and verb. Make sure they agree.
Include a beginning, middle, climax and end. Language Arts Choose a piece of writing to revise. Read it over, look at the score and decide what you can do to improve it. If you don’t have one that you would like to revise, do the following quick write. Write a story set in outer space. It should be science fiction: not real, but possible. Include a beginning, middle, climax and end. Read it over and make any revisions that it needs.