Comparing Puritan Writers Anne Bradstreet Jonathan Edwards John Winthrop
Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672 Did not attend school, but received an excellent education from her father Came to New World in 1630 with her husband – had 8 children Even though she joined the Puritans, she remained ambivalent about the issues of salvation and redemption First published poet in the New World (The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America)
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 Studied Christian theology at Yale College First Great Awakening – evoked strong emotional responses from congregations – a movement away from scripted religious ceremony President of Princeton University 11 children - grandfather of Aaron Burr Died of an innoculation
Governor John Winthrop 1587/8 – 1649 A founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Saw the colony as a “city upon a hill” Held that following religious law was necessary to salvation Law above grace – strict moral codes Led to a conflict between two factions in Massachusetts Rivals John Wheelwright and Anne Hutchison were banished
Assignment Read through sample writings of these three writers. Look for each’s viewpoint on the following: Eternal Life God’s Relation to People Religious Beliefs Human Frailty Fill out the comparison chart, making sure to back up your inference with evidence (i.e. – page or line numbers) Working in groups of 4