Neurosurgeon By Kylie Protasio
Educational or Special Training Requirements High school: advanced Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, and Physics Degree required: Doctor of Medicine ( M. D.) Training required: 7-8 years residency in neurosurgery 4 years in college 4 years in medical school 1 year of internship Must pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination ( USMLE)
Schools and Organizations That Offer that Education or Training Yale University School of Medicine Emory University Baylor College of Medicine University of Florida
Special Qualities and Abilities Needed for Someone to do the Job Well Attention to detail and precision A strong interest in Anatomy and physiology Dedication Understanding Empathy Professionalism
What Other Options are Available Within the Field? Neurologist Neuroscience Nurse Psychophysicist Neuroradiologist
Salary Range for Those Different Options Neurologist- 144,000 – 216,000 Neuroscience Nurse- 67,145 – 110,000 Psychophysicist- 29,798 – 121,710 Neuroradiologist- 310,000- 370,000
A well known person in this field: Isabelle M. Germano Dr. Isabelle M. Germano is a Neurosurgeon that practices in New York. She has received her medical degree from University of Torino Faculty of Medicine. She has been in practice for over 20 years.
My Reaction I definitely think that being a Neurosurgeon would be a very interesting career. They are paid very well and save people from life threatening issues. I definitely want to become a Neurosurgeon one day.