Intro to Parliamentary Procedure Overview
Meetings & Sessions Meeting: Session: A single official gathering of the members of an organization, with a quorum present, in order to transact business. Session: Series of connected meetings
Bring Business before the Group Making the Motion Second Chair ‘States the Question’ Debate Chair ‘Puts the Question’ Vote
Making the Motion Move a Motion: Make a Bed!! “I Move That…” Maker cannot debate against! Motions are to be ‘positively’ put forward.
Second Person who seconds may debate against
‘Stating the Question’ Locks the motion Item shifts from motion to question
Debate For each motion: Debatable Appeal: 2 debates each No more than 10 minutes each debate Debatable Appeal: Chair gets 2 debates Members get 1 debate “I’m in favor” or “I’m opposed”
‘Putting the Question’ Chair asks for “further debate” Puts the question to the vote
Vote Voice (Aye or No) Hand Standing Ballot Roll Call Chair States results: Outcome of Vote & Effect
Organization of Motions Main Motion Subsidiary Motions Incidental Motions Privileged Motions Motions that Bring Business Back before the Assembly
Main Motion Everything Starts with this Introduces topic or business to the assembly
Subsidiary Motions Enhance or modify the main motion Priority of order Lay on the table Call for previous question Limit or extend time for debate Postpone to a certain time Refer to committee Amend an amendment Amend or substitute Postpone indefinitely
Incidental Motions Grow out of conduct of the meeting No order of precedence Appeal the decision of the chair Call for division of assembly Raise a point of order Object to consideration of question Divide/call for consideration by parts Modify or withdraw a motion Nominate Suspend the rules Close nominations Reopen nominations Method of voting Request for information Parliamentary inquiry
Privileged Motions Highest ranking Have order of priority Fix the time to which to adjourn Adjourn Recess Raise a question of privilege Call for orders of the day
MTBBBBA Used to bring an item back for consideration Take from the table Reconsider Reconsider and enter on minutes Rescind ratify