Democritus and Leucippus All matter is made of tiny indivisible solids. “Atomos” = Indivisible
Plato matter is made up of fire, water, and air. Their characteristics are due to the five solid shapes of the particles that make them.
Aristotle Atoms do not exist because matter is infinitely divisible. Differences in matter result from different combinations of fire, water, earth, and air.
Robert Boyle Proposed corpuscular theory. Tiny particles are the reason for differences in properties, but the particles can be divided.
Identified Hydrogen and oxygen Lavoisier Identified Hydrogen and oxygen
Determined the law of conservation of mass Lavoisier Determined the law of conservation of mass
Elements always combine in fixed proportions Proust Elements always combine in fixed proportions
Elements are made of atoms Dalton Elements are made of atoms
Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or divided Dalton Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or divided
Atoms combine in specific ratios to form compounds Dalton Atoms combine in specific ratios to form compounds
Atoms recombine during chemical reactions Dalton Atoms recombine during chemical reactions
Arranged elements by atomic weight and discovered patterns mendeleev Arranged elements by atomic weight and discovered patterns
Discovered the cathode ray phenomena faraday Discovered the cathode ray phenomena
Measured the mass of the cathode ray Jj thompson Measured the mass of the cathode ray
Discovered the electron Jj thompson Discovered the electron
Envisioned the atom as “plum pudding” Jj thompson Envisioned the atom as “plum pudding”
Rutherford + Geiger + Marsden Discovered the nucleus
Rutherford + Geiger + Marsden Discovered the atom is mostly space
Rutherford + Geiger + Marsden Conducted the gold foil experiment
Argued for particle theory of light Newton Argued for particle theory of light
huygens Light is a wave
Electrons exist in 4 energy levels bohr Electrons exist in 4 energy levels
Double slit interference Thomas young Double slit interference
Electromagnetic spectrum Based on wavelength: Rabbits mate in very unusual xpensive gardens
Quantum energy levels are like ladder rungs Planck’s constant Quantum energy levels are like ladder rungs
Quantum energy levels are like ladder rungs Planck’s constant Quantum energy levels are like ladder rungs
Massless packets of light photons Massless packets of light
Wavelength emitted by atoms… seen through a spectroscope Emission spectrum Wavelength emitted by atoms… seen through a spectroscope
Passing whit light through atoms Absorption spectrum Passing whit light through atoms
De broglie Matter can be wavelike
Matter is both like a wave and a particle Wave particle duality Matter is both like a wave and a particle
Heisenberg uncertainty principle Impossible to measure momentum and position at the same time
Electron clouds of probability Schrodinger model Electron clouds of probability