The Process of Gathering Information Scientific Method The Process of Gathering Information
The Process All Scientists use a 5 step process in order to gather information called the Scientific Method.
Step 1 Gather information about the Problem Sometimes called Research State the Problem or Purpose (or Ask the Question) Usually in the form of a question Gather information about the Problem Sometimes called Research
Observation Observations produce Inferences
Inferences Based on your observations You may be tempted to conclude that something “causes” something to happen But you are never sure. Remember that not everything can be observed. You may need to test to be sure. Definition- a possible explanation that is based on an observation you have made.
Step 2 Form a Hypothesis An educated guess as to “why” something will happen in an experiment. Usually in the form of an “If”, “Then”, “because” statement. Forms the basis of a testable experiment.
Prediction An educated guess about what will happen during an experiment. Usually in an “If”, “then” statement
Step 3 Experiment Test the hypothesis
Experimental Group- The group in the experiment that is receiving the experimental treatment Used to compare the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable in the experimental group.
Control Group- (often called the control) the group in an experiment that does not have the “experimental treatment”. It does not contain what is being tested
Variables A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in an experiment. Things that can be changed. 3 types Controlled Independent Dependent
Control The variables that are the same in both the control group and the experimental group. see control group
Independent Variable The 1 thing that is changed by the scientist. I is for “I change” What you are testing the effect of… The fertilizer in the tomato plant analogy
Dependent variable What is being measured in the experiment. D is for “Data Measured” The size of the tomato in the tomato plant analogy
Step 4 Data –Information gathered in the experiment Collect Results from the experiment
Step 5 Analysis and Conclusion What does the data tell you. In the conclusion you determine, based on your results, if your hypothesis is true or false.
Repeat Your Work Repeating all the 5 steps of the Scientific Method to see if you come up with the same results. In order for a hypothesis to be accepted as fact, good scientist will repeat their experiment many times (100’s of time)
Summary of Scientific Method 1. State the Problem, ask a Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Experiment 4. Data 5. Analysis/Conclusion